
Active Member
Nov 9, 2022
I saw a route with a forced Axel/Lena photo shoot directed by Agnes and shot by Seymour. This was not my preferred route; I used the skip function to get through it and abandoned it. I do not know what would go on later. (Any use of the term "babygirl" makes my skin crawl and throws all arousal out the window.)
In the "Lena likes Seymour" route (even "heart Seymours") at the second meeting at the restaurant, prior to Lena playing with her chiral counterpart, Agnes and the mayoral candidate (Perry's father's rival) are met. There, Agnes refers to Lena as a beauty (whereas she was disdainful of Lena at the Axel photoshoot) and Seymour offers to lend Lena to her. Lena does notice the mayoral candidate to glance at her; implying he has an ppetite for her.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2022
I saw a route with a forced Axel/Lena photo shoot directed by Agnes and shot by Seymour. This was not my preferred route; I used the skip function to get through it and abandoned it. I do not know what would go on later. (Any use of the term "babygirl" makes my skin crawl and throws all arousal out the window.)
In the "Lena likes Seymour" route (even "heart Seymours") at the second meeting at the restaurant, prior to Lena playing with her chiral counterpart, Agnes and the mayoral candidate (Perry's father's rival) are met. There, Agnes refers to Lena as a beauty (whereas she was disdainful of Lena at the Axel photoshoot) and Seymour offers to lend Lena to her. Lena does notice the mayoral candidate to glance at her; implying he has an ppetite for her.
Wow these routes really do seem to split more than I thought/have different interpretation depending on how you play. I just checked and the mayor candidate doesn't seem to have much of an "appetite" for Lena he was just checking who Seymour was with and going by how surprised Agnes was to see that Seymour was still hanging around him she picks up that Lena has left an impression on him. Seymour also doesn't say that he'd lend Lena to anyone when I played Agnes just complemented Lena's beauty.

After talking to him about his work/family and hearing him lament on not having an heir or someone to share what he built with I really feel that based on affection Seymour will either think of taking Lena/Ian under his wing or he will find them as nothing more than useful tools to grow his empire.


Sep 23, 2022
Yes, when Ian and Seymour have an informal meeting in a cafeteria, he hints that if he wins the literary contest he might be interested in being his patron as he is Lena's; also that he is sure that he will rise very quickly in the publishing house. (If Lena has signed the contract with Seymour)

If Lena has refused, Seymour tells Ian that he has to be smart, take advantage of opportunities and so on not like his friend Lena and that he will be attentive to why she is looking for notable people to patronize; that he strives to ascend in the company
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Sep 23, 2022
I saw a route with a forced Axel/Lena photo shoot directed by Agnes and shot by Seymour. This was not my preferred route; I used the skip function to get through it and abandoned it. I do not know what would go on later. (Any use of the term "babygirl" makes my skin crawl and throws all arousal out the window.)
In the "Lena likes Seymour" route (even "heart Seymours") at the second meeting at the restaurant, prior to Lena playing with her chiral counterpart, Agnes and the mayoral candidate (Perry's father's rival) are met. There, Agnes refers to Lena as a beauty (whereas she was disdainful of Lena at the Axel photoshoot) and Seymour offers to lend Lena to her. Lena does notice the mayoral candidate to glance at her; implying he has an ppetite for her.

That happens when Lena agrees to see Axel to give him closure. She later goes to Seymour's photo shoot and it turns out that Axel is Mr. Ward's photography mentor; If you agree to work with Axel there, the second part of the Shoot is when Agnes intervenes, turning the session into something much more erotic. Throughout it you can see how Agnes only has eyes for Axel and in a shameless way (Maybe that's why on my path it is the politician who he tells that he will lend him Lena, because Agnes already knows her and is not surprised)


Active Member
Nov 9, 2022
That happens when Lena agrees to see Axel to give him closure. She later goes to Seymour's photo shoot and it turns out that Axel is Mr. Ward's photography mentor; If you agree to work with Axel there, the second part of the Shoot is when Agnes intervenes, turning the session into something much more erotic. Throughout it you can see how Agnes only has eyes for Axel and in a shameless way (Maybe that's why on my path it is the politician who he tells that he will lend him Lena, because Agnes already knows her and is not surprised)
I know about the first part...I saw the photo shoot where Agnes was interested in Axel and not Lena. I did not continue that thread so I didn't see the politician get the offer. Many is easy for us to talk past each other in confusion. The thread I abandoned might have interesting aspects when the updates come out.


Sep 23, 2022
I agree, she herself has also commented that Mass Effect or Dragon Age are her favorite games, one a space opera and the other dark fantasy
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Sep 23, 2022
I know about the first part...I saw the photo shoot where Agnes was interested in Axel and not Lena. I did not continue that thread so I didn't see the politician get the offer. Many is easy for us to talk past each other in confusion. The thread I abandoned might have interesting aspects when the updates come out.
Well, if at no time do you accept Seymour's first proposal or do not contact him,someone hire Lena for a photo shoot that is precisely that part of Agnes and Axel, but without Seymour with the camera, of course.

And you are absolutely right, there are many nuances, some almost imperceptible, that can change the dialogue of the scenes or the scenes themselves, it is magical.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Keep on mind, the offer to "lend Lena" only happens if Lena hadn't already have a photo session where Agnes was involved. Otherwise, there's zero suggestion that there'd be more of that.

    if v6_axel_pose == 0 and v6_agnes_shoot == False:
        ag "Who's this beauty? I don't believe we've been introduced..."
        s "This is Lena, a model I've been working with. If you're ever in need of one, I can lend her to you. She's exceptional."
        man "She has to be, if she managed to capture your attention..."
    elif v6_axel_pose == 1:
        ag "So you're still indulging the girl, I see. You must really like the rebellious types..."
        s "Lena has a mind of her own; that's what I like about her. She's quite exceptional, actually..."
        man "She has to be, if she managed to capture your attention..."
        ag "Oh, I remember you... What was your name again, dear?"
        l "I'm Lena."
        ag "Of course. I see you're still indulging her, Seymour... She must be quite exceptional."
        man "She has to be, if she managed to capture Seymour's attention..."
        s "She is, indeed."


Active Member
Nov 9, 2022
I think it is better for Seymour to control Lena remotely through the Lovense Egg. The action should intensify gradually and new controllers introduced at each stepping up. Agnes would be an incremental step. The mayoral candidate perhaps another. Eventually the real action would be overseas in Dubai from which it would be too late for Lena to withdraw....and any protection Seymour could offer would be neutralized. That is where the contrast between elegance and filth would be truly accentuated.
Dec 20, 2021
IIRC this is ren'py built-in function as someone can easily include virus in a save file and share it with others to affect them. If you modified the save files yourself than simply select YES IF you're using someone's than you should NOT accept it, instead use URM
to modify or path checking.
Even If I clicked YES , the save won't load


Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2022
I always had a doubt in the scene where Ian and Jeremy can have a threesome with Alison when you let Jeremy finish inside her first and when Ian put his penis in her afterwards, what thoughts did she have when her penis was soaked with Jeremy's semen, is it possible to put something inside the tip of the penis? :unsure:
In the scene after Jeremy has sex with Lena and later Ian has sex with her, would you have noticed the extra space inside Lena's vagina? :unsure:
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