
Active Member
Mar 26, 2020
After reading so many posts on cheating it has stirred up my pent-up emotions. You can feel free to ignore this post, It's just some random mumbling of a stranger on an internet forum.

Watching Ian and his anguish made me realize how bad it felt to get cheated on. I was in a 7.5-year relationship with my high school friend till my early post-university days. Like every budding relationship, everything was great. I got into a good university and she got into a different one which was far. Now we tried everything to make this work. Heck, we even made LDR work. Fast-forwarding when my uni days were over. Got busy with an internship and I decided to do my master's. So I can be a good provider if I ever want to start a family.

Lo and behold, when I was busy furthering my career. I noticed that we got into silly arguments that would leave us in a foul mood. I tried my best to juggle my initial career and studies with my relationship but God damn it was exhausting. I had no 'Me' time where I would get taken care of once in a while it was always to look out for my partner.

Well, our fights got very scarring emotionally. I didn't have time to waste because of so many duties piling up on me. I even tried getting us some quality time together, going on dates or getaways like normal couples do. I had to be very careful with my time. I felt on one of our dates that something was off, the closeness with each other was drifting apart slowly. I didn't pay much attention at that time because I was so close to finishing my master's degree. I tried to reassure her and told her to be patient with me.

People are selfish and have their own needs. After that date when I felt something was off turned out to be true, even after reassuring her and telling her that I was doing it just for us, so we could have a carefree and better future. It didn't matter to her, base desire can override a normal human psyche. That is when she got into a full-blown affair.

I caught on to her affair quite early but didn't say anything. My goal was so close and I didn't have the emotional capacity to deal with it for the time being. Yes, I got myself cucked for 3 months. This was the price I had to pay to reach my goal. After finishing my degree and landing a very good job, now I had the time to think. Stay with this selfish cheater or trouble myself with nasty emotional damage. Long-tenure relationships are hard to let go and that too with your first love. Fights were regular now and it was turning into a very toxic relationship.

One day I finally decided it was enough and it was time to set my foot down, all the sacrifices I made just for us to have a better future were all in vain. I called her up and told her that we needed to talk and she was all up in my face acting dominant. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist so hard; the rage was unbearable. If she was physically present with me at that time, I would've done something bad like really bad and I would not be present here typing this.

They say 'silence is golden', but if you are with a cheater they take silence as a trait of being meek. When she got home, she was ready to go on again. It's funny when a diminutive-statured person acts all cocky just because they are not shown real physical strength. I lean north of 6ft that is all I have to say. I towered over her with an angry look and told her to sit down so we could talk as equals without looking up or down at each other.

I asked her calmly why was she mad at me. I gave everything she desired for even during my busiest days I'd take my time to talk to her and listen to her problems. Just because I was not physically present in bed for some nights because of my career? I was having a hard time controlling my emotions I can still feel that nauseating feeling when you are with a cheater that you are about to confront.

Long story short, I dumped her. I told her that I knew about her affair and told her to leave before I did something bad that would hurt both of us. I'll spare you the BS that my ex was rambling about. Fast forward to the present day. It still hurts sometimes when I think about it. Letting go is hard. Getting into a relationship after being hurt is such a big step. Eva did capture the turmoil of a broken heart getting into a relationship again; beautifully.

If you took your time to read through this wall. I am thankful for your time and appreciate it.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2023
It’s not at all clear to me why Eva brought Gillian back into the script. In some AVNs, "getting your ex back" is a popular plot move, and some developers write this line well, making the player feel empathy for their ex, writing out why they broke up, making both of them feel guilty, for example. And then going with good redemption line. And indeed, sometimes exes are made so cool that you start to like them.
In Gillian's case...there is none of this. I was expecting something interesting when she first showed up, but all we got was: "Hi Ian, long time no see, blah blah blah...I was sad without you blah blah blah, I didn't want it to be like this came out." Plus a cuck dream if we haven't deleted the photos. And it's all. Very weak. If Gillian is just a plot device for the cuck Ian path, then that's too bad and her return is a pointless waste of development time. So for now: FUCK YOU, GILLIAN.
I may love redheads, but not to that extent.
Are you really surprised?
EK loves her cheap soap opera drama for the sake of drama.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2022
Yes, but I wanted to have a hate sex scene no reconciliation between e
Ian and Gillian, plus if the boyfriend was Mike a good excuse to the break his face, have been interesting? :unsure::LOL::poop::LOL::ROFLMAO:
It would be interesting and symmetric to have a Lena/Ian relationship wherein Lena cheats with Gillian's lover and Ian cheats with CHerry.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
Gillian did decent in the popularity polls,even doing better than characters with actual content like Cherry and Louise.
Does this means she would get sex scenes?only EK knows BUT if fucking Marcel got his dick sucked after one good result in the popularity polls,anything is possible:BootyTime:


Dec 12, 2020
Gillian did decent in the popularity polls,even doing better than characters with actual content like Cherry and Louise.
Does this means she would get sex scenes?only EK knows BUT if fucking Marcel got his dick sucked after one good result in the popularity polls,anything is possible:BootyTime:
Marcel needs another good result so HOLLY CAN FINALLY GET THE BLACK PIPE!


Active Member
Feb 18, 2018
Eva did capture the turmoil of a broken heart getting into a relationship again; beautifully.
In the first chapters absolutely, the introspection of Ian and Lenas inability to move on and how they hesitate going for a new partner while their environment pushes them to do so is done delicately. It emphasizes Evas first original vision, two lost souls coming together.
Over the course of the game, this theme is extremely muddled if not removed by all the porn. I'm far from being against the latter butthe greatest dissonance of the game is Ian and Lena being those fragile hurtful souls... and then having the ability to fuck every person in their vicinity with glee and zero remorse. You have Ian slowly healing from Gillian, someone who even occasionale appears in the game through photos and dreams, and then have him doing the exact same Gillian and her affair did by fucking Cindy. Now, being cheated on doesn't disqualify you as a potential cheater yourself, heck you can give them the impetus because they were cheated themselves, but I lose very fast any sympathy and relatability if he casually fucks Minerva or Alison while having a sweet romance with Holly or good Lena, shitting on his partners and the partners of his affair (Wade, Minervas husband). Its good on the fetish side since I love girls stealing from other girls, but for the narrative and character development its trash. The same applies with Lena who loathes Cherry and Axel, yet does the same if not worse by fucking Mike and being very expressive and gleefull about how she is superior to his girl.

Maybe you can't have it both and porn and plot doesn't match? Maybe Eva had a serious story in mind but their audience demands and pays for porn so Eva quickly drifted back in the old, easier to gratifying way?


Active Member
Feb 18, 2018
Pretty much the entire male cast is what you just described, yes. It's been one of the longest running complaints about this game.
GGGB got Dave, Eric usually redeems himself. The boss got a wholesome route. Dad was fucked up by design but technically wholesome. Even scumbag Jack could be purified. There is no chance that Axel, Robert or Mike are willing to change their ways and turn out aus good as Jack could.
Even some casual hookups like Doug or Mark weren't scum.

And GGGB was the game in which you could date murderers and rapists.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2023
GGGB got Dave, Eric usually redeems himself. The boss got a wholesome route. Dad was fucked up by design but technically wholesome. Even scumbag Jack could be purified. There is no chance that Axel, Robert or Mike are willing to change their ways and turn out aus good as Jack could.
Even some casual hookups like Doug or Mark weren't scum.

And GGGB was the game in which you could date murderers and rapists.
Even Tyron could be a big softie in the end.


Oct 25, 2023
In the first chapters absolutely, the introspection of Ian and Lenas inability to move on and how they hesitate going for a new partner while their environment pushes them to do so is done delicately. It emphasizes Evas first original vision, two lost souls coming together.
Over the course of the game, this theme is extremely muddled if not removed by all the porn. I'm far from being against the latter butthe greatest dissonance of the game is Ian and Lena being those fragile hurtful souls... and then having the ability to fuck every person in their vicinity with glee and zero remorse. You have Ian slowly healing from Gillian, someone who even occasionale appears in the game through photos and dreams, and then have him doing the exact same Gillian and her affair did by fucking Cindy. Now, being cheated on doesn't disqualify you as a potential cheater yourself, heck you can give them the impetus because they were cheated themselves, but I lose very fast any sympathy and relatability if he casually fucks Minerva or Alison while having a sweet romance with Holly or good Lena, shitting on his partners and the partners of his affair (Wade, Minervas husband). Its good on the fetish side since I love girls stealing from other girls, but for the narrative and character development its trash. The same applies with Lena who loathes Cherry and Axel, yet does the same if not worse by fucking Mike and being very expressive and gleefull about how she is superior to his girl.

Maybe you can't have it both and porn and plot doesn't match? Maybe Eva had a serious story in mind but their audience demands and pays for porn so Eva quickly drifted back in the old, easier to gratifying way?
Agreed the earlier chapters do have a different tone compared to what we get in later chapters, so i definitely wouldn't be surprised if EK just chose to go with whats easiest, and just decided to make this into GGGB2 since that's probably what most of her fans wanted in the first place.

Then again maybe EK thought it wouldn't make sense to keep that tone throughout the whole game and all of this is going according to her vision.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2022
In the first chapters absolutely, the introspection of Ian and Lenas inability to move on and how they hesitate going for a new partner while their environment pushes them to do so is done delicately. It emphasizes Evas first original vision, two lost souls coming together.
Over the course of the game, this theme is extremely muddled if not removed by all the porn. I'm far from being against the latter butthe greatest dissonance of the game is Ian and Lena being those fragile hurtful souls... and then having the ability to fuck every person in their vicinity with glee and zero remorse. You have Ian slowly healing from Gillian, someone who even occasionale appears in the game through photos and dreams, and then have him doing the exact same Gillian and her affair did by fucking Cindy. Now, being cheated on doesn't disqualify you as a potential cheater yourself, heck you can give them the impetus because they were cheated themselves, but I lose very fast any sympathy and relatability if he casually fucks Minerva or Alison while having a sweet romance with Holly or good Lena, shitting on his partners and the partners of his affair (Wade, Minervas husband). Its good on the fetish side since I love girls stealing from other girls, but for the narrative and character development its trash. The same applies with Lena who loathes Cherry and Axel, yet does the same if not worse by fucking Mike and being very expressive and gleefull about how she is superior to his girl.

Maybe you can't have it both and porn and plot doesn't match? Maybe Eva had a serious story in mind but their audience demands and pays for porn so Eva quickly drifted back in the old, easier to gratifying way?
The problem with the 2 lost souls finding each other premise is that it's mainly written for Lena and Ian. The problem with this is that there are people who have no interest in Lena being romantically involved with Ian. I thought the dev went too heavy handed in trying to tell the player that they are meant to get together. For example if you don't have Lena kiss Ian on the 2nd date Lena is blocked from being able to open up to Ian about Axel. Another scenario is if Lena tells Ivy that she isn't interested in Ian they automatically start dating after the 3rd date. To me that sort of diminished the story's premise if you don't want them to get together.

Honestly I think the whole heartbreak from cheating angle is also diminished when both mcs can engage in cheating themselves. Personally I feel a more interesting scenario would have been that Ian had proposed to Gillian and right before the wedding she ran off due to cold feet. Not only would it be a fresher premise and increase the weight of Ian being hesitant to enter a new serious relationship it would also help him to not look like such a hypocrite if he does go down the cheating route(s).

I also had an idea about Lena's breakup due to Axel's anger and violence issues but I don't think that's something the dev would want to tackle in this story. I just wish that if Lena warns Cindy about Axel that it was tracked.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2022
There is already foreshadowing for Holly with Marcel. She will be throttled by Marcel at some point
It can also happen that Marcel and Jeremy grab Holly where they tear her clothes and stick their huge tongues deep in her beautiful holes. When Holly can't resist anymore, she will have an orgasm so powerful that she will urinate and tears of happiness will come out. and it is the moment where Marcel and Jeremy are going to forcefully penetrate her vagina and her mouth moving wildly where she can barely breathe and when they are finishing Ivy appears and takes a selfie and labels it "bbc cream chinese finger trap" Would it be understood? :unsure: :LOL::ROFLMAO:
4.60 star(s) 316 Votes