The thing is with EK, she does things on a whim. She doesn't fully plan shit out as it seems. Much like the reworks of Wade, Stan, the Prologue. Wade was fine before, but all of sudden 'oh here you go, Wade is now jobless and wants to be a gamer pro'... Or 'oh here you go, Stan is gonna get "reworked" to make him a bit better' (Fun fact: Didn't change him one damn bit.) Not to mention the OG prologue was fine to begin with, but all of a sudden 'oh yeah, I redid the prologue, here you go.' And of course there is the three bar scenes inloving Ian and Ivy getting reworked without any explaination (OG-Ian if semi friendly with Axel could hang out with him, talk to Ivy for a bit, gets a kiss the cheek/1st Rework-Same deal, only both flirt/2nd Rework-Forced to hang with Jeremy instead of Axel, no flirty moment with Ivy). Or even the whitewashing of Jeremy's bro from Black to White, which made no sense or even got a real explaintion as to why.
All the while, saying 'oh she has writers block, gets burned out, needs a vacation, makes claim after claim of things that she intends to do or not do, only to do the complete opposite (cuts Eds content, says there won't be any new character with content, gives content to Cameo Jack, Marcel, etc).