Sorry, just getting into the game - Are any stats worth concentrating on rather than others, or is it best to spread them around?
The game caps stat growth in a chapter by chapter basis, if you reach the max then the game stops giving exp for that specific stat and it goes to waste, so it is generally better to spread them around.
If you want to be very anal about minmaxing stats you need to be familiar with which dialogue choices lead into more stat growth opportunities, but you need to play with a guide on hand for that. But short of that, here are some general hints:
-Athletics is the stat with the fewest opportunities to increase it, so consider giving it priority over the other stats when having to choose between them if you don't want it to be a dump stat.
-Lust can either be a moderately scarce stat or an abundant one, it mostly depends on how much sleeping around you are doing in your playthrough
-Willpower is a resource that can be spent in some situations to get big bonuses, or to reverse the direction of some of your previous choices. Some routes get more willpower that you can spend liberally while others you need to save them for their most impactful options. You cannot stock more than 2 willpower points at a time.