
Sep 13, 2021
That's not necessarily a bad thing. Is a Lena who refuses to create a Stalkfap account despite being desperate for money really the sort of person to pursue Louise's boyfriend? It's certainly debatable, but if one side of that debate leads to a much more coherent presentation of Lena I'd say that's a strong argument in its favor.
I disagree with you on this. From a gameplay standpoint, such a condition would be too restrictive. By your logic, the players should be locked out of all routes that involve kinkiness, corruption or exhibitionism if they choose not to create a Stalkfap account for Lena. And why would she need to be on Stalkfap to be able to pursue her friend's boyfriend? In real life, most people who hook up with their friends' partners don't have an OnlyFans account. Besides, having an account on that platform doesn't make someone more likely to betray their friends.
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Night Hacker

Forum Fanatic
Jul 3, 2021
Little poll: Holly corruption YES/NO ;
if yes: up to what grade would you like, from "a little slutness" to "GGGB" ?
Absolutely. As for how bad she should get? I think that should depend on how much attention you show to her and how many people she is introduced to via Lena and Ian. If you only pay moderate attention to her, than she could be only a little slutty. If you focus all your attention on her, to the exclusion of some others, than she could be GGGB. But make the player work for it.
  • Jizzed my pants
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Dec 1, 2017
No corruption, but a healthy boost in her confidence and self-stem so she can see herself like the beautifull woman she really is and make her enjoy more her sexuality.

This makes sense, people are complex and isn't because a woman is naughty and has her kinks in bed that she is a "slut" 24/7 or she isn't a "good girl". Actually, this thougth that for a woman make and enjoy more kinkier stuff in sex can only happen of she is a complete slut or is "corrupted" is just a common trope in this kind of stories. Makes total sense Holly keep be herself in her work, social and professional life, but when she is in private with Ian or Lena (or with both, hopefully) she let her kinks and naughtyness go freely.
No. Holly is perfect the way she at the start of the game. Both in appearance and personality. She perfect for a 'good girl' but kinky with her partner/partners set-up. (Trinity please!)

Any of the corruption that flows from the other girls manipulating her insecurity just makes me sad.
i love Holly as she is cute and different from every other character in the game. I would only change that she gains so self confidence and gets more self worth.


Oct 25, 2018

Chapter 10 weekly status report (3)

A quick update:

This past week hasn't been the most productive. I took a quick trip to Paris to attend the Tool concert, which was really nice, but that kept me away from the computer. I used this time to keep elaborating on Chapter's 10 plot, mapping out in further detail some scenes and character interactions (how to structure the action and choices, and which themes should be present in dialogues and such). I want to start writing next week, and switch between that and drawing.

I've completed a few more illustrations and the colorist is working on them. I'm pretty happy with how they're turning out, which is consistent with the drawings I've been producing lately. This time I've tackled some of the most visually complex images to date, and you'll see why in due time! Lately I've been taking too much time deciding on which base images to use for the drawings, and that's something I need to speed up, but I'm really trying to use the perfect reference picture for what I have in mind.

Other than that, just a reminder that this next week will be the last one to submit your entries for the . The winner gets a cameo in ORS, and I will also be opening the tier for some additional cameos soon, so if you're interested in that let me know through PM. I will make a specific post about that soon.
It's back to work now!


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Little poll: Holly corruption YES/NO ;
if yes: up to what grade would you like, from "a little slutness" to "GGGB" ?
No, Holly is already the best Ian option. Corrupting her would ruin that. I'm not even all that keen on sharing her with Lena (though that leaves Lena in a real lurch). All Holly needs is little more confidence.

I disagree with you on this. From a gameplay standpoint, such a condition would be too restrictive. By your logic, the players should be locked out of all routes that involve kinkiness, corruption or exhibitionism if they choose not to create a Stalkfap account for Lena. And why would she need to be on Stalkfap to be able to pursue her friend's boyfriend? In real life, most people who hook up with their friends' partners don't have an OnlyFans account. Besides, having an account on that platform doesn't make someone more likely to betray their friends.
I'm not particularly wedded to this specific example, but there needs to be some rationale behind why Lena (or Ian) acts the way she does. That's always going to impose some level of constraint on our actions, but it's necessary to prevent her from behaving 'erratically' when we're controlling Ian.

GGGB had only the single protagonist and used a very simple morality system, which made it easier for Ashley to connect our dots. ORS is trying something much harder and I think Eva may have bitten off more than she can chew. That's why I wouldn't necessarily balk at linking some actions to other actions if it streamlines the game design and keeps us all on the same page. It's all well and good to give us lots of choices, but that positive can quickly become a negative if the game later inadvertently overwrites our own headcanon because some of those choices meant different things to Eva than they did to us.

As for this specific example, the idea was to provide a "gateway drug" that would allow Lena and Jeremy to openly discuss their sexuality with a fig leaf of innocence rather than making it a deliberate, calculated ploy on Lena's part. Stalkfap could be one approach to that; there are plenty of other options that could be used instead (or in addition to, if Eva is willing to spend the time on multiple sub-paths). I just agree with the core criticism that Lena is a little too eager to steal Louis' boyfriend and thus the option should either be limited to a certain subset of Lenas, or the path needs to be better paved by adding some intermediate steps.

Night Hacker

Forum Fanatic
Jul 3, 2021
No, Holly is already the best Ian option. Corrupting her would ruin that. I'm not even all that keen on sharing her with Lena (though that leaves Lena in a real lurch). All Holly needs is little more confidence.

I'm not particularly wedded to this specific example, but there needs to be some rationale behind why Lena (or Ian) acts the way she does. That's always going to impose some level of constraint on our actions, but it's necessary to prevent her from behaving 'erratically' when we're controlling Ian.

GGGB had only the single protagonist and used a very simple morality system, which made it easier for Ashley to connect our dots. ORS is trying something much harder and I think Eva may have bitten off more than she can chew. That's why I wouldn't necessarily balk at linking some actions to other actions if it streamlines the game design and keeps us all on the same page. It's all well and good to give us lots of choices, but that positive can quickly become a negative if the game later inadvertently overwrites our own headcanon because some of those choices meant different things to Eva than they did to us.

As for this specific example, the idea was to provide a "gateway drug" that would allow Lena and Jeremy to openly discuss their sexuality with a fig leaf of innocence rather than making it a deliberate, calculated ploy on Lena's part. Stalkfap could be one approach to that; there are plenty of other options that could be used instead (or in addition to, if Eva is willing to spend the time on multiple sub-paths). I just agree with the core criticism that Lena is a little too eager to steal Louis' boyfriend and thus the option should either be limited to a certain subset of Lenas, or the path needs to be better paved by adding some intermediate steps.
Yeah, I really want to see an Ian + Lena + Holly option. I think it would work out well, especially if written properly. I mean, they all enjoy each other's company, they all know that Ian and Lena have a thing, and Lena knows that Holly like Ian, she even encouraged her at one point, so it wouldn't be a stretch to have them all together sometime.

I would love to see Holly the same basic, lovable, intelligent character she is, but with Ian, Lena or both. She's already done some stuff with Lena and Ivy without any problems.
Nov 15, 2020
This time I've tackled some of the most visually complex images to date, and you'll see why in due time!
Most images consist of two people having sex -> the images will either be of two people doing more visually complex things than having sex / the images will be of more visually complex beings than humans (alien sex attack :eek:) / the images will be of people having sex, with a more visually complex number of attendants than two?

Who knows, there might be some other kind of visual upgrade Eva’s working on, but it surely sounds like we’ll get a group sex scene or two. My guesses would be Ian/Alison/Jeremy, Ian/Lena/Emma or Lena/Ivy/Billy.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
My guesses would be Ian/Alison/Jeremy, Ian/Lena/Emma or Lena/Ivy/Billy.
Ian/Alison/Jeremy is highly likely, something close already happened (with Billy instead of Ian). Your other two have no buildup at all though. While I can imagine a scenario where Lena/Ivy/Billy happens, Ian/Lena/Emma seems out of character. :unsure:
As compensation I'd like to add Lena/Holly/Ivy. Ivy has been 'training' Holly and already told Lena she should join them again. This time a proper threesome, not just one watching. (y)
May 12, 2022
No, Holly is already the best Ian option. Corrupting her would ruin that.
Yeah, we wouldn't want that vile corruption in Eva Kiss' game, there is no way she would make a sweet and innocent girl named Holly and turn her into absolute sex obsessed whore on one of the routes, right? Can you imagine that? I sure can't, haha! Stuff like Holly missing out her deadline at work because she was having an orgy with Ivy and her friends while also being high on drugs would be truly horrible, wouldn't it? Haha...

Gosh darn it, I sure hope that never happens!
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Nov 15, 2020
Ian/Alison/Jeremy is highly likely, something close already happened (with Billy instead of Ian). Your other two have no buildup at all though. While I can imagine a scenario where Lena/Ivy/Billy happens, Ian/Lena/Emma seems out of character. :unsure:
As compensation I'd like to add Lena/Holly/Ivy. Ivy has been 'training' Holly and already told Lena she should join them again. This time a proper threesome, not just one watching. (y)
Lena and Ivy have that shady photoshoot thing with Billy coming up, and I’m pretty sure there will be some twists in there. At least if it’s not just a studio shoot, and some alcohol or drugs are thrown into the mix. Maybe it’s less likely that a threesome will happen than not, but Billy and Ivy would’ve probably both been up for it.

Lena/Ian/Emma I could see happening if Eva wants to give some instant reward to those who chose the open relationship. Lena and Emma have met each other a few times lately, likely because there’s some scenes with just the two of them coming up; but it could also be timed to coincide with the relationship between Ian and Lena. If they have a talk about what they actually put in “experiment together”, and decide they would like to try out a threesome, I could see both putting Emma pretty high up on the list of people who 1) would be fun to have a threesome with, 2) they think might be up for it, and 3) isn’t likely to make a big deal out of it or become jealous in some kind of way. With Emma’s spontaneous and carefree nature she’d likely not hesitate to say yes, but the talks between Ian and Lena leading up to a decision might need a bit more buildup; making it more likely to happen in an additional chapter or two.

Also you’re right about Lena/Holly/Ivy. I forgot about that option (and Ivy’s comment about Lena joining in). That’s probably the most likely along with Ian/Alison/Jeremy.


Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
Yeah, we wouldn't want that vile corruption in Eva Kiss' game, there is no way she would make a sweet and innocent girl named Holly and turn her into absolute sex obsessed whore on one of the routes, right? Can you imagine imagine that? I sure can't, haha! Stuff like Holly missing out her deadline at work because she was having an orgy with Ivy and her friends while also being high on drugs would be truly horrible, wouldn't it? Haha...

Gosh darn it, I sure hope that never happens!
if you add to that while being together with ian i can die as a happy man :giggle: :giggle:


Sep 13, 2021
No, Holly is already the best Ian option. Corrupting her would ruin that. I'm not even all that keen on sharing her with Lena (though that leaves Lena in a real lurch). All Holly needs is little more confidence.

I'm not particularly wedded to this specific example, but there needs to be some rationale behind why Lena (or Ian) acts the way she does. That's always going to impose some level of constraint on our actions, but it's necessary to prevent her from behaving 'erratically' when we're controlling Ian.

GGGB had only the single protagonist and used a very simple morality system, which made it easier for Ashley to connect our dots. ORS is trying something much harder and I think Eva may have bitten off more than she can chew. That's why I wouldn't necessarily balk at linking some actions to other actions if it streamlines the game design and keeps us all on the same page. It's all well and good to give us lots of choices, but that positive can quickly become a negative if the game later inadvertently overwrites our own headcanon because some of those choices meant different things to Eva than they did to us.

As for this specific example, the idea was to provide a "gateway drug" that would allow Lena and Jeremy to openly discuss their sexuality with a fig leaf of innocence rather than making it a deliberate, calculated ploy on Lena's part. Stalkfap could be one approach to that; there are plenty of other options that could be used instead (or in addition to, if Eva is willing to spend the time on multiple sub-paths). I just agree with the core criticism that Lena is a little too eager to steal Louis' boyfriend and thus the option should either be limited to a certain subset of Lenas, or the path needs to be better paved by adding some intermediate steps.
Like I said, I get the idea behind gisgus' suggestion and I understand your rationale. I'm also aware of the hardships that come with making a game as big and ambitious as this one.
Giving players agency to craft their own story would be ideal, but this isn't always possible. A certain amount of streamlining is inevitable, but it has to be done right. There needs to be a balance between the developer's vision, what makes sense, what is feasible and what players want. I don't think it would make sense to link any of the characters' routes to the choice of creating a Stalkfap account.
That said, I agree with some of your points.


Active Member
Dec 13, 2018
Little poll: Holly corruption YES/NO ;
if yes: up to what grade would you like, from "a little slutness" to "GGGB" ?
Yes all the way. Personally I just want her to open up and blossom. I reckon everyone has their own idea about how far it should go so do it all the way but give us the choices to dial in down in game ;)
4.60 star(s) 337 Votes