I disagree with you on this. From a gameplay standpoint, such a condition would be too restrictive. By your logic, the players should be locked out of all routes that involve kinkiness, corruption or exhibitionism if they choose not to create a Stalkfap account for Lena. And why would she need to be on Stalkfap to be able to pursue her friend's boyfriend? In real life, most people who hook up with their friends' partners don't have an OnlyFans account. Besides, having an account on that platform doesn't make someone more likely to betray their friends.That's not necessarily a bad thing. Is a Lena who refuses to create a Stalkfap account despite being desperate for money really the sort of person to pursue Louise's boyfriend? It's certainly debatable, but if one side of that debate leads to a much more coherent presentation of Lena I'd say that's a strong argument in its favor.
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