my english is not the best sorry maybe I understood it wrong but I live under the assumption that this game is mainly a corruption game maybe I am wrong and this game is now a vanilla dating sumulator and will have some normals dates and bunch of happy endings in the future and thats it.
So maybe I understand it wrong so alison underperforms in the treesome, axel can touch cindy near her vagina at the photoshot,ian can jerk of to pictures of jeremy,lena and cindy, ian get get beat up,ian can jerk of to jessica gangbang porn scenes, holly has fantasys about a uknowns man, holly can get corrupted in a relationship with ian, lena can be played like a slut if in a relationship with ian, lena can watch louise and jeremy, ian cant throw away the pictures of gillian , alison getting red in the club near axel ,the bouncer hit on holly , the coworker hit on holly , all the writting references if you play a certain way and many more....
this are all accidents by eva??so she accidentally wrote a corruption game (and a lot of references like alison getting red near axel at the disco engounter) and in the future there will happen nothing?