At the point where Ian puts in a word, if you say he's cool it flags ivy_jeremy = 2. say he's alright it's 1.
When Ivy asks Lena whether she should give him a chance if you say yes it's 2. If you say it's up to Ivy the variable remains the same as before, either 2/1/0. If Lena says no when it's at 2 (which is by Ian), the value will down to 1.
At ivy_jeremy = 2 Ivy lets Jeremy to hop into her car at the end of epilogue, we will only know what happens in ch12.
When it's 1 Ivy rejects him by saying "maybe some other nights" and when it's 0 Ivy will be saying he is delusional.
Although personally I think with the way Ivy is being portrayed, i don't think she really mind some casual sex. First with Mike and then the way she speaks to Ian after the gym scenes if you picked the flirty option show some possibilities. I refused to believe Eva has no scene planned for IvyxIan