Im glad it was a dual protag game myself, have found it very interesting. Both characters can be very likeable too depending the route you take, or they can be absolute assholes who dont respect their friends or themselves. I will say, I hate the over reliance on tropes though. It's something the creator falls into the habit of a lot with, all the black guys both in this and GGGB and here are horndogs with big dicks that are poor relationship material, all the fat guys are weird and creepy (Stan/the coffee shop owner/boyfriends dad from GGGB), all the girls with tats are sluts etc etc etc. Outside of the heavy reliance on tropes I love the games, but I do wish I couldnt immediately identify a characters personality by seeing them show up on screen for two seconds.
It'd be interesting to see some more varied character archetypes in their next title, like a shy girl who stays shy but is a bit of a closet slut (These are not uncommon, but in these games they always have to go through a social transformation to be a slut), or a black guy who's thoughtful and charming, or a fat guy who's funny and friendly in a non creepy way etc. Because yea, like the second most characters pop up I already know what they're going to be like in game, and that isn't particularly realistic.