Mike is a bit of a special case -- initially he and Lola never get to interact, to the point that made me roll my eyes a bit at how much of a special treatment he seemed to be getting. This situation changes around CH.9 or 10; can't exactly remember which, but it's when Lena comes back from her parents and asks Mike to pick her up from the station. And Lola takes a stand then, and doesn't tolerate neither Mike's nor Lena's shit.
edit: it's in Ch.11 actually:
if v11_mike_sex:
l "Oh, that's Mike...!"
"I opened the door for him."
mk "Hey, babe..."
play sound "sfx/cat_angry.mp3"
show lolamad_b at lef3
pause 1
hide lolamad_b with short
call friend_xp ('lola',-2) from _call_friend_xp_1021
mk "Wow, what's wrong with her?"
l "The door probably scared her... Never mind."
l "Come over here."
"Lola was on the bed, waiting for me. She stood up when I opened the door."
l "Hey, Lola..."
play sound "sfx/cat_angry.mp3"
show lolamad at rig3
"Lola jumped out of the bed and scurried out of the bedroom."
hide lolamad with short
call friend_xp ('lola',-2) from _call_friend_xp_1022
mk "Wow, what's wrong with her?"
l "She probably wasn't expecting me to bring company... Nevermind."
There's also a bit earlier in Ch.6, where Lola disapproves if Lena sends Mike a sexy selfie:
l_p "{i}I don't know... Do you want to forget?{/i}"
mk_p "{i}It would be a shame to lose such a nice memory...{/i}"
l_p "{i}Really? For a moment there, I thought you were thinking about ghosting me.{/i}"
mk_p "{i}Sorry, I was with my girlfriend, but she's asleep now.{/i}"
l_p "{i}So you can look at my picture all you want {image=emoji_devil.webp}{/i}"
mk_p "{i}It's a pretty sexy pic... But you're way hotter in the flesh {image=emoji_glasses.webp} {/i}"
l_p "{i}Is that so? Why? {image=emoji_flirt.webp} {/i}"
mk_p "{i}You weren't covering up as much, to begin with.{/i}"
l "So he wants to play too... Just what I wanted."
"Lola looked at me while I took my panties off."
l "What? You're killing the mood... Go to the living room."
"I pushed Lola out of bed, and she quickly left the room."
call friend_xp('lola', -1) from _call_friend_xp_498
"I closed the door behind her."