[v0.9 Remastered]
You know how there are plot driven stories and character driven stories? This is very much a character driven story. I'm not a huge fan of these in general because they are usually basic dating sims with paper thin characters, but I come across the occasional gems like this with a lot of depth to the characters and their interactions.
If I talk about everything good about this game, it will become overly long. I just want to touch on the few things that really stand out in Eva Kiss' games.
The strongest skillset for this dev in my opinion is the coding. This is something that isn't clearly visible to players, but for someone like me who often looks through the script file, you can't help but admire the level of dedication in creating a coherent and immersive experience based on the choices. The amount of variations and conditionals are astronomical. People familiar with GGGB would know what to expect already. Unfortunately, the dual protagonist nature presents much more complexity to the equation. We do occasionally see some immersion breaking characterizations, something that was exceedingly rare in GGGB.
The other standout aspect is, of course, the writing. Almost all the characters have layers to them. There is quite a lot of depth to even the traditionally tropey personas if you pay attention. All characters are well realized and believable as individuals that could exist in real life, more or less. They each have their strengths and weaknesses. Most of them have admirable qualities and character flaws to varying degrees. We have a much more grounded story compared to GGGB, which could admittedly be a negative for some players expecting a standard corruption story.
Still, there is so much to work with here for corruption fans. To me, the stakes are very much higher than a tropey corruption game because it seems so much more realistic. You are the architect of your own playthrough, and there is a framework that enables many different themes while keeping everything believable (for the most part). NTR story with a faithful male MC and cheating girlfriend? Yup. Man whore male MC with a loyal girlfriend? Yea. Love triangles? Sure. Classic romance and perseverance through hard times? Yup. Free for all fuck buddies? Yup. No real finesse in the run and just bang everything as both MCs? Yea you can do that too.
As for the sex scenes. It's no surprise that the scene writing is damn fappable. GGGB proved that already. The art has improved considerably from the previous game in that it doesn't look like a pure trace art anymore.
There you have it. There is something here for everyone, but people looking for a more straightforward corruption story like the previous game might be disappointed.