Second, sure if you want to gamble with your own feelings and future that's your pejorative. Maybe I shouldn't have said "any guy who doesn't want to be cheated on". Instead I shall readjust my stance:
Any man who can take an IQ test and score anywhere above 30 points should not date a known cheater as there are plenty of women who haven't ever cheated and have lower likelihood of violating your relationship boundaries. This is not a description of reality, but a prescription for any who intends to go into the dating market and wants to lower their chances of getting cheated on.
Even if a relantionship with her would be different, nothings is to say she wouldnt find a new frustration with her new boyfriend and cheat again. That might be an extreme philosophy to some, but personally that is the most obvious thing to me. why would anyone ever want to date someone they know has cheated on someone in the past.
Man, I swear that every time I come back to this thread I find something to debate that doesnt necessarily have to do with the game itself
The thing is, I actually agree with your points and they are really well thought and put together... However, you are both sort of looking only at the "cheater" and not looking at the other variable:
YOU, the guy who is gonna be on that relationship with "Cindy" (for the sake of easier discussion, the name of the woman who cheated is Cindy).
My opinion on this point is very simple: If I start a relationship with a woman, and when I say the start I mean after youre in the boyfriend/girlfriend stage, the woman across from me becomes a blank canvas: I dont care how many dicks she sucked, how many guys she fucked, how many girls she licked or if she cheated or not
Will I be wary and lets say "scared" on the first few months that she might cheat on me too? YES, but thats default human behaviour to think about the worst even at the best of circumstances. But thats on YOU, if you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen
Its as much about YOUR personality as it is "Cindys" PAST... If you dont have confidence on yourself and the self esteem needed to get over her past you will never be able to actually know her present and future because even if she does everything right by you, your insecurities will always blind you and default you to her past as early as the first time she "has to work late"
. And funnily enough, that will just up the odds of her cheating on you
Concluding: Its difficult and it takes BOTH of you to make it work just like any other relationship... Its all about trust, dialogue and honesty (some good fucking also helps
). Without these 3 main aspects, ANYONE can get cheated on with or without a past of it