I'll probably get hated on for this, but I liked the epilogue. Was it perfect? No. Was it inventive, with some sexy images, and some actual movement forward on some storylines? Yes. And I'll take that. Looking at it in the context of the full chapter 11 (prologue, chapter, epilogue) I think it's quite good overall, especially in number and variety of sex scenes on various routes.
Bikini shopping with Lena? Expected. Bikini shopping with Emma as well? Big bonus. Big. It's-right-there-big.
Bartending at Blazer? Expected. Drama with (potentially) up to 7 characters (Jeremy, Ivy, Landwhale, Robert, Cindy, Axel, Mike) depending on your playthrough? Fantastic. Who knew that Ivy would throw Ian under the bus? That the scumbag Axel would deny being involved with Cinders just to try to dominate Lena again? And who wouldn't cheer when Lena punched Landwhale square in her ugly mug?
Sure, some stuff doesn't make a lot of sense outside of what everyone is saying about leaning into fetishes just because, notably Lena going down on Marcel in the alley, or going home with Mark even after being face-fucked and choked during rough sex with Axel. But the story is moving forward, and we were all told by Eva that ORS was going to be "semi-realistic." It's still one of the very best VNs out there, and in my opinion this update does nothing to take that away, even with the increase in fetish scenes. Maybe that's a minority opinion here, but I'm fine with that.