It's funny you say that because i feel entirely opposite, Ian's story has by far much more interesting decisions to make, Lena is just kinda doing her own thing and the sense of urgency i feel with Ian is almost entirely absent with her.
Maybe i was kinda burned on GGGB but i usually just play female MC's like huge sluts (i've managed to avoid that with Lena actually).
Well, I wouldn't claim that Lena's story is
exciting by comparison either. What Ian has going for him is that he has to choose between his romantic/sexual pursuits at several occasions, which makes his story feel more impactful. Lena just has to decide "to fuck or not to fuck?"
Ian's life only really seems dramatic to me if you deliberately confrontational, for example with Minerva or if you pursue Cindy, room for friendship drama there.
If you want to fuck around, he has plenty of options.
If you want to try something more romantic you can also build something up with Alison and Cindy.
If you encourage the dates with Lena and Holly those relationships just sort of happen, you don't have to extend an effort for Ian's part to get with any of them.
Lena's path will even ignore their agenda relationship bar completely to facilitate their romance.
On Lena's path there's so far only room for the lustful route and hints of the long game with Holly, imo. Ian is the only option that has some buildup before going into sex yet.
Trying to get to know the characters Lena can get with, before comitting to anything physical, locks off her various routes.
You have to give in to Robert right away. There isn't a "maybe" option.
Mike is unclear, if you don't fuck him he's just sort of there on occasion.
Axel doesn't have any direct payoff yet, even going for that requires you to be into the idea of repairing the relationship in the first place.
So far you can only encourage Stan to be creepy.
To get with Louise you have to sleep with her at a moment that can be seen as emotionally manipulative. I don't care how gorgeous my friend is, no way I'm fucking them the minute after they break up with someone they were very invested in.
That realistically leaves only Holly if you aren't into Ian.
Remove all the sexual and romantic content and I feel like Ian and Lena are sort of neck/neck with their stories. Ian's got the MMA tournament and his writing, Lena's got her songwriting and her modeling career.