So I'm curious, what are people's thoughts and feelings about Minerva?
When I first saw her in the game I loved her design, but considering her personality, I was worried a route with Ian would be all about femdom. Now, even though I usually love femdom (with the right character, not just anyone), the reason why I wasn't keen on it here was because the power dynamic was already so strongly in her favor.
So I was really happy when Ian could show some backbone, and then when the sex happened he could be the dominant one and totally turn the tables on her. This sets things up for a really interesting play of power in the office, where Minerva will still feel the urge to 'be the boss' during work hours, while Ian is the 'true boss' of their situation, and can make a game of punishing her for anything he feels is a misdeed on her part. I also wonder to what degree she'll deliberately push his buttons in future content, in anticipation for a 'punishment' to follow.
I also really love the fact that you can start a genuine romantic relationship with her, too. This really surprised me when I discovered it was an option, as I wouldn't have figured it would be. However, I'm super excited to see how this plays out, and watching Minerva have somewhat of a transformation as she falls in love with Ian will be interesting too.
I don't see too many people talk about Minerva (although I did come to this party a bit late, so that may be why), but hers is fast becoming one of my absolute favorite storylines, next to Cindy (of course). I mean, a route that has a MILF, risky and public sex (with hopefully a lot more to come of this!) and D&S...? What's not to love?
But yeah, I'm curious to hear what other people think about Minerva these days, what they do and don't like, predictions for the future of her storyline, etc.