Very longtime lurker and I've never bothered to comment before so who cares what I think but after all the arguments over this project compared to GGGB I can't help but wonder at this point if the problem is simply there are too many characters compared to the prior project.
GGGB basically had a different character for each "archetype"; the boss, the best friend, the forbidden fruit, the jock, the enemy to lover, the extreme dom(me) etc and you could move the main character into any of those routes and most of them were very disconnected and locked off from each other which meant there was little issue of "ok, why would they still be talking to Ashley".
Here, after two years of development (almost the length it took for the development of the whole of GGGB), the story so far feels like it's not really going anywhere fast. This feels likely down to the fact not only do you have two protagonists but half a dozen LIs for each, all of whom are still meant to be interacting plus getting new content with each update which means they haven't really been given much depth as individuals and as a result almost all of them feel the same. The women are basically on one extreme or the other of the "Madonna-Whore" complex where they are either fucking almost immediately (Ivy, Emma, Alison, Cherry) or very timid (Holly) while the men are either sexually dominating fuckbois (Axel, Jeremy, Robert) or glum self-pitying arseholes (Perry, Stan, Wade). Almost all of them could be easily switched in and out of any scene and they really wouldn't feel any different at this point.
It's clear from her updates Eva's really been struggling with the direction of the project, something that's completely understandable given the ridiculously high expectations resulting from GGGB, and the months long rework is a symptom of that but I do wonder if the best decision as hard as it may have been would've been to cull the cast down by 2-3 for both Ian and Lena and really flesh out the half a dozen or so total that remained.
GGGB basically had a different character for each "archetype"; the boss, the best friend, the forbidden fruit, the jock, the enemy to lover, the extreme dom(me) etc and you could move the main character into any of those routes and most of them were very disconnected and locked off from each other which meant there was little issue of "ok, why would they still be talking to Ashley".
Here, after two years of development (almost the length it took for the development of the whole of GGGB), the story so far feels like it's not really going anywhere fast. This feels likely down to the fact not only do you have two protagonists but half a dozen LIs for each, all of whom are still meant to be interacting plus getting new content with each update which means they haven't really been given much depth as individuals and as a result almost all of them feel the same. The women are basically on one extreme or the other of the "Madonna-Whore" complex where they are either fucking almost immediately (Ivy, Emma, Alison, Cherry) or very timid (Holly) while the men are either sexually dominating fuckbois (Axel, Jeremy, Robert) or glum self-pitying arseholes (Perry, Stan, Wade). Almost all of them could be easily switched in and out of any scene and they really wouldn't feel any different at this point.
It's clear from her updates Eva's really been struggling with the direction of the project, something that's completely understandable given the ridiculously high expectations resulting from GGGB, and the months long rework is a symptom of that but I do wonder if the best decision as hard as it may have been would've been to cull the cast down by 2-3 for both Ian and Lena and really flesh out the half a dozen or so total that remained.