Counting down the days until the scene where 6-months-pregnant Alison shows up to Ian's book release party in the same deep-V cocktail dress.
Here fixed it for you.And Cindy isprobablythe hottest girl in ORS.
Yes, there's a scene which covers why Ian was late to Emma's cultural center opening there any content with cindy in the new update?
So, Alison acts like a typical woman?Alison is the most dumbest girl in ORS. Like if you are that much obsessed just tell the fucking guy instead of humiliating yourself like that. Axel is much more better in this regard than this little shit. At least Axel is upfront about his intentions. Seriously this is the most ridiculous behavior ever.
Chapter 1:Like if you are that much obsessed just tell the fucking guy
That's hardly true, he does all the usual song and dance around Cindy instead of telling her upfront he just wants to fuck her.At least Axel has the audacity to be upfront about his intentions.
Enraged over a fictional characters stupitidy, all while not being able to write properly.. priceless <3Alison is the most dumbest girl in ORS. Like if you are that much obsessed just tell the fucking guy instead of humiliating yourself like that. Axel is much more better in this regard than this little shit. At least Axel has the audacity to be upfront about his intentions. Seriously this is the most ridiculous behavior ever.
Hi Lena, I just want to talk to you. I don't want to be with you again.At least Axel has the audacity to be upfront about his intentions.
That would better work than 'hey Ian wanna fuck me, no then I will jump on the first dick I'd find and the second and the third and ..., oh btw I let you know via photos and videos how it is going.'Chapter 1:
"Hi Ian. I broke up after a long relationship, lost my decent job and have to slave away at a shitty one, and I live at my parents who belittle me. Due to my stress and the clicking biological clock, I want to entrap you in a marriage for the rest of our life, ideally with children. Your perspective of being traumatized affer a long relationship and your potential search for other woman who may offer more than me is of no relevance. Can we met and be together forever?"
That's what I call putting the cards on the table.Chapter 1:
"Hi Ian. I broke up after a long relationship, lost my decent job and have to slave away at a shitty one, and I live at my parents who belittle me. Due to my stress and the clicking biological clock, I want to entrap you in a marriage for the rest of our life, ideally with children. Your perspective of being traumatized affer a long relationship and your potential search for other woman who may offer more than me is of no relevance. Can we met and be together forever?"
You need to stop hooking up with Alison and go for Emma at some point mid-game, or never hook up with Alison in the first place. For blonde Alison specifically you'll probably need the latter. So yes, going back all way to Chapter 1.Trying to find out how to get the no condom scene for blonde Alison, any conditions that we have to meet? tried with and without the museum funtime portion. or do i have to go further back to earlier chapters?
But you have to admit at least Axel is not like this, Lena goes onto Ian and Axel goes onto some other chick to make her jealous so she comes back to him AND expect her to take him back. He goes territorial shit mode.Hi Lena, I just want to talk to you. I don't want to be with you again.
Hi Lena, I just want to bring your stuff and the photos reminding you of our love. I don't want to be with you again.
Hi Lena, I just want us to grind each other while we are doing a naked shoot. I don't want to be with you again.
Hi Lena, I just want to shoot you for Wildcats. I don't want to be with you again.
Hi Lena, I just want to kiss you. I don't want to be with you again.
Hi Lena, I just want to make good goodbye sex. I don't want to be with you again.
Hi Lena, I just want to met you for a coffee. I don't want to be with you again.
Lena: Hmm, certain parts of Axels behaviour could be suspicious, but I can't put my finger on it.
oooo dayumm, yeah i got blonde Alison but didnt get the option to wear or not, guess ill have to go back and give it a shot....thanks for the info!You need to stop hooking up with Alison and go for Emma at some point mid-game, or never hook up with Alison in the first place. For blonde Alison specifically you'll probably need the latter. So yes, going back all way to Chapter 1.
Eh, Alison clearly has a crush on Ian and makes him a few offers to get together, eventually getting to the point where she propositions him directly. But she isn't some hopeless blushing virgin pining for the one true love, so if you turn her down she doesn't hold back, all morose, and has some fun on her own when opportunity arises, too.While Alison's behavior is like this "Oh I have been obsessed for you for years but I won't tell you till I whore myself out in a gangbang because you ignored me for once but I still expect you to take me back Oh and I got breeding fetish too so don't worry when I have kids just don't ask me."
It's like saying "Oh Don't worry Ian my soul is only yours but my body is Jeremy's".
It's almost the same for Alison, she fucks Jeremy to make Ian jealous so he wants to be with her. But a woman doing it is a slut and a man is a stud, am I right?Axel goes onto some other chick to make her jealous so she comes back to him AND expect her to take him back.