Agree there. Plus, like Karate said, you basicly have to be solely interested in her otherwise she chases after Jeremys dick. Sure, there is some leeway if you happen to be sleeping with Lena as long as your upfront about it, but God Forbid you chose one date to spend time with Lena and Holly and it's 'OH, well guess I'll go see Jeremy then'. Like seriously?Yeah, Alison isn't so much sleeping with Jeremy because she wants some casual sex, but because to make Ian jealous.
Its implemented poorly in the game. She already laps into Jeremies arms if Ian decides to stay with Perry and Cherry even just a moment to break the ice. Constantly nagging how she has fun with Jeremy but really would love to have someone else at her side, HINT HINT, NUDGE NUDGE is exhausting. I also dislike that they don't discuss commitment, considering that Ian can spend a weekend with her and dines at her home. And while her chapter 11 seduction is great for cheating routes, its a bad move on her if Ian is already with Lena or Holly (and she knows this and twists it as "let's fuck BEFORE we enter a relationship with someone else").
Nah dude... that´s just the reoccuring theme with her, that she herself brings up.Considering you've decided to devote large part of that breakdown to the fact "Alison sleeps with Jeremy" it seems to basically confirm my impression you've quoted? I.e. that it plays a significant role in that dislike. Otherwise, if it was just about Alison hitting on MC there would be zero reason to bring that aspect up.
I have some doubts if that's really the case -- since the whole idea to send pictures of her getting fucked was apparently Jeremy's, and then Alison decided she didn't mind that, after hearing that Ian liked those pictures. So from that she knows Ian isn't jealous and doesn't mind her fucking Jeremy, quite the opposite in fact. This can be also influencing her telling Ian more about the sex with Jeremy: since as far as she knows Ian enjoys listening about it, just like he allegedly enjoyed the pictures.Yeah, Alison isn't so much sleeping with Jeremy because she wants some casual sex, but because to make Ian jealous.
Yeah I'm not seeing where they're getting the "she's gonna stab Ian" from when no evidence at all has ever pointed to that being her personality whereas characters like Axel or Louise have been shown to be more likely to do that. Alison is a bit obsessed, yes, but she's not even as clingy as Louise for example. It's not to the point that would raise red flags or assume you'd be in danger. Like you said, if Alison is all of these bad things for hooking up or whatever then other characters you've mentioned would have to be way worse than she is.But why is it a problem with Alison, but not with say, Ivy? Because it's not like Ivy is a virgin who hasn't gotten laid once in these months the game has been talking place. Similarly other girls in the game are fucking other guys -- Cindy has her boyfriend, Minerva has her husband, Emma has her hookups, Lena can fuck literally half of the town. Somehow it doesn't make these characters less appealing, but Alison? "ohh she's crazy and has Jeremy's cooties, eeew". It's rather silly in its pickiness.
Even at Wade's birthday party in chapter 7, she doesn't even let Ian talk to Perry, Wade, or Emma first. Game just forces the Alison conversation to occur first.Agree there. Plus, like Karate said, you basicly have to be solely interested in her otherwise she chases after Jeremys dick. Sure, there is some leeway if you happen to be sleeping with Lena as long as your upfront about it, but God Forbid you chose one date to spend time with Lena and Holly and it's 'OH, well guess I'll go see Jeremy then'. Like seriously?
There's also in game dialogue hinting to and not so hinting at Ivy being a bit sly. On the coffee date with Jess she mentions how Ivy reminds her of herself at that age and implies it's dangerous. And we also know about her dealings with Axel to get that modelling job. Even her relationship with Holly is quite manipulative as well as her encouraging Lena to fuck everyoneWell, we know Ivy has also given Jeremy blowjob or handjob depending on the timeline, and she's now apparently considering going further with him, and asking Ian's input on that. You're also fooling yourself she isn't having sex with other people that we don't get to hear about. And she will set the relationship with Ian to neutral if he doesn't hit on her when she's being flirty with him. So, who here really can't handle rejection well? Not just Alison, evidently.
Will have to consult with Jeremy to find out if the bro code would prohibit Ian from beating him upJeremy is a friendly rival and can have sex with Alison, Lena, Emma, and Louise, probably eventually Ivy as well, and will be beaten up at the martial arts tournament.
I have no brocode with him. He will be beaten.Will have to consult with Jeremy to find out if the bro code would prohibit Ian from beating him up
Having Lena work as a stripper would be fun. Wonder if Seymour would interfere with that though. You just know the fallout between Wade/Cindy is going to fuck up the entire friend circle. I wouldn't be surprised if Perry kicks Ian outThere's alsoMikeGillian's boyfriend that Ian might want to beat up at some point.
Incidentally, going by the comments in the script, apparently Eva is considering turning the poledancing in Ch.11 (and maybe later in the game, i'd guess -- there's possibility Lena's work at the club goes places) into a minigame.
edit: oh, and then there's also Wade who's likely to find out about Cindy/Ian and unwilling to take that without a literal fight.
Shes not working as a stripper, yet people. Bartending from what Ivy said if memory serves.Having Lena work as a stripper would be fun. Wonder if Seymour would interfere with that though. You just know the fallout between Wade/Cindy is going to fuck up the entire friend circle. I wouldn't be surprised if Perry kicks Ian out
mmh thats actually pretty interesting. if you think about it, we've had two branching events before, like Holly's book tour and Wade's birthday, but what we haven't had is a double branch for the same event. So both Ian and Lena can go to the Wildcats or to Perry's beach house. This will create 4 possible branches:A propos of nothing. Since in the next update we can expect the scooby gang to spend time at Perry's beach house, i wonder if Cindy will also be a part of it, or if her modeling contract will keep her busy the entire time. The former could be pretty neat, if there's ongoing affair with Ian.
(and by neat i mean a great source of petty rivalry and drama)
gtfohAgreed. But I think misogynistic comments like these are bound to happen when you consider that this is a porn site, dominated by male audience and the most of the content focuses on sexualizing women even in games with FMC. I've read a lot of these that I would just ignore them.
she's a slutIan:Alison? I only see her as a friend.
-Alison sleeps with Jeremy-
Alison: I'm holding out hope for the 'One'.
Ian: Still see you as a friend.
-Alison sleeps with Jeremy, Billy-
Alison: Ian, why don't you come over and talk about Gillian?
Ian: Sure.
-Goes to her place, intending to talk about Gillian-
Ian: What part of friends do you not underfuckingstand?
Hmmm... I wonder why people aren't fans of her... What could possibly be the reasoning there... Must be a great mystery indeed.
I think Jeremy won't mind a solid fight as part of the tournament, i mean, that's the whole point of the tournament, to see who can beat up other dudes the best.Will have to consult with Jeremy to find out if the bro code would prohibit Ian from beating him up
IIRC Seymour's contract is about photo work and such, or media appearances. So he'd probably have a case demanding her to shut down her Stalkfap, but dancing in a club, i don't think so. And it's probably big enough club even Seymour would have trouble pressuring it.Having Lena work as a stripper would be fun. Wonder if Seymour would interfere with that though. You just know the fallout between Wade/Cindy is going to fuck up the entire friend circle. I wouldn't be surprised if Perry kicks Ian out
Yup, i just think it might be either Ivy's little scheme to ease Lena into it, or Eva's scheme to set things up for Lena to get opportunity for this kind of work down the road.Shes not working as a stripper, yet people. Bartending from what Ivy said if memory serves.
I don't think this is a fault of Alison. I think that's purely Eva wanting to stretch things out. Which is fine imo we get more content out of itI also dislike that they don't discuss commitment, considering that Ian can spend a weekend with her and dines at her home
Yeah but c'mon we all know where that will lead to. Though knowing Eva we'll probably get to choose whether Lena strips or bartends or it might be determined by stats or something. Either way I wonder how long into the game we'll get there bc if Lena is working for Seymour does she really need the extra money? IdkShes not working as a stripper, yet people. Bartending from what Ivy said if memory serves.