I'm getting impression that what people get upset with Alison over is that, if they don't return Alison's affections they expect her to sit in a corner sobbing all alone until they maybe change their mind after they fuck everyone else available to them. But instead she just shrugs it off and goes to have fun with a guy who actually bothers to hit on her and how dares she.It's context. When we, the players, first "meet" Allison it's pretty clear SHE likes IAN and wants a relationship with him. Ian isn't pursuing her at all so the pace of the relationship (at least at the start) is kind of on her. The problem I have with Allison (if I'm doing a playthrough where I don't want Ian to be cheated on) is that as soon as Ian doesn't give her attention, she immediately goes and fucks someone else. That isn't love. That's trifflin.
In other words, that it's fine if they "fuck other people" before Alison, but if it's Alison who fucks some other guy before Ian gets to stick it in? Perish the thought and cue complaints about cheating, cucking and whathaveyou.
Just because Alison has feelings for Ian doesn't mean she's not allowed to have some casual sex when she's single and the guy she has crush on turns her down. It doesn't mean she doesn't love him. Merely that she doesn't obsess over it as much as some people claim she does.
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