Sep 17, 2020
the more i think about it, the more i think ORS is leaps and bounds over GGGB in terms of engaging storyline, but GGGB adult scenes are really wild though.

I wonder if the last quarter of ORS would go that far or not
For sure lol. We aren't there yet but you can see where the progression is leading. And you know what the dev is capable of writing from GGGB
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Jan 16, 2019
PilotLara one small scripting error remaining in beta:
                    "Focus on improving grappling" if jiujitsu > 3:
The conditional should probably read jiujitsu < 4. As it is, it allows Ian with jiujitsu at 4 to bypass the other option (Focus on mastering grappling) and improve his ability to 5 without paying a willpoint for it.
Thanks, fixed


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
IF Lena takes drugs does it have any consequences down the path? besides that she can take again without loosing will points.
Not for the time being, but i imagine this has a chance to get picked up again during Lena's work at the club.

One thing we do need to keep in mind, though, is that Ian and Lena won't be at the beach house/Wildcats shoot for the entire chapters. (...) This probably frees Eva a bit in terms of getting in additional content depending on play choices (e.g. Minerva for Ian, Mike or Robert for Lena)
From Ch.11 Lena side content, it seems there can potentially be some Lena/Jeremy action in August (if Lena and Jeremy had sex before) this time with Louise out of the picture.
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Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
Seems to be a mistake in the bugfix.

PilotLara this line here:
            "{image=icon_charisma.webp}/{image=icon_lust.webp}You should do it" if (lena_charisma > 6 and lena_holly_dating == False) or (lena_lust > 7 and lena_holly_dating == False):
the _dating conditionals here should probably be ian_holly_dating instead of the current ones. As it is, this blocks Lena who is sleeping with Holly from pushing her into fucking a guy, but she's free to do it for Holly who is dating Ian, which kind of goes against the rest of the game.

(either that, or this entire block
    elif holly_guy == 1:
        $ flena = "n"
        l "And what about you? Any news about your situation with Mark?"
// ...
should be locked behind and ian_holly_dating == False check)
nope corruption and ian/holly dating should not be seperate

if holly gets corrupted it should not matter if she is dating ian or not

holly should gain corruption if she dates ian unless pure holly is only possible with ian/holly dating and holly is not friends with ivy and slutty lena otherwise it will make no sens in the future

why would ivy hang out with boring pure holly? why would ivy lena take pure holly to partys at all??? why would a lena that gets more and more and more mean and slutty like boring pure holly at all???.......

pure holly should be a book nerd with no friends that has ian as a bf will be a boring route but it seems that eva harly push for corruption in almost all routes so seperate dating and corruption would be a mess for the future

let me corrupt holly while ian/holly are dating !!!
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
I HOPE SOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!damm right my holly is gonna cheat
I'm sorry but it's already fixed.

holly should gain corruption if she dates ian
Holly can increase her holly_change variable when having sex or otherwise interacting with Ian. She gets more confident and open about her desires.


Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
I'm sorry but it's already fixed.

Holly can increase her holly_change variable when having sex or otherwise interacting with Ian. She gets more confident and open about her desires.
it still will be 100% problematic in the future JoeSte91 made a great point with this
So, as far as the Holly route would go, it would be:

Good Ian + Good Lena = Pure Holly
Good Ian + Slut Lena = Corrupted Holly
I would also add that on pure holly route holly and ivy are not friends

and on corruption ivy and holly lena hang out

it will be a HUGE mess and it dosnet make any sens for ivy to hang out with boring pure holly or for a lena that will get deeper and deeper on the corruption path to hang out with book holly.

or for a CHANGED holly to not act corrupted in the future IF SHE HANGS OUT with corrupted lena and ivy otherwise it will be a mess form writting part
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2020
why would ivy hang out with boring pure holly? why would ivy lena take pure holly to partys at all??? why would a lena that gets more and more and more mean and slutty like boring pure holly at all???.......
As it stands right now Lena is mainly in control of Hollys corruption if she encourages her to pole dance. If not Holly can barely be corrupted. But even if Holly is a part of the pole dancing lessons, holly_change variables are subject to the encouragement of Lena.

Lena would want and does want to hang out with Holly because she is a fan of her books and over the course of the story befriends her.

Ivy finds Holly cute and wants to corrupt her, but can not without Lena's approval. She wants to hang out with Holly for those reasons, but also because she'll hangout with any of Lena's friends, see Louise.

Lena can be the biggest cumdumpster, have the highest lust score, and have encouraged Holly to pole dance, and still Holly is not necessarily corrupted. It's possible right now in the game.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
it still will be 100% problematic in the future JoeSte91 made a great point with this
This entire "problem" is self-invented, because these routes don't exist. That's what the poster you quote is wishing for, which is not what Eva is actually doing.

it will be a HUGE mess and it dosnet make any sens for ivy to hang out with boring pure holly or for a lena that will get deeper and deeper on the corruption path to hang out with book holly.
It's not a HUGE mess because none of this actually happens in the game. Ivy and Lena hang around with Holly who attends pole dancing classes. They can have some level of influence over her while at it. If Holly is with Ian then the amount of this influence is limited. If Holly isn't dating Ian then they can push her further into casual sex and suchlike.

Now, if at any point there's introduction of Lena/Ivy for some reason convincing Holly to cheat on Ian, it will be later down the road on this route, with Holly who is already at high _change level (as combination of Lena/Ivy influence and sex/relationship with Ian) As long as the player has pushed Holly to this point. And as such it would make sense, and won't suffer from the issues in this theoretical alternative approach, that has you freaking out.
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Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
This entire "problem" is self-invented, because these routes don't exist. That's what the poster you quote is wishing for, which is not what Eva is actually doing.

It's not a HUGE mess because none of this actually happens in the game. Ivy and Lena hang around with Holly who attends pole dancing classes. They can have some level of influence over her while at it. If Holly is with Ian then the amount of this influence is limited. If Holly isn't dating Ian then they can push her further into casual sex and suchlike.

Now, if at any point there's introduction of Lena/Ivy for some reason convincing Holly to cheat on Ian, it will be later down the road on this route, with Holly who is already at high _change level (as combination of Lena/Ivy influence and sex/relationship with Ian) As long as the player has pushed Holly to this point. And as such it would make sense, and won't suffer from the issues in this theoretical alternative approach, that has you freaking out.
no the problem is that holly corruption is together with Ian/holly are dating that is the problem!!!!

its not a good idea to make this decission
It's not a HUGE mess because none of this actually happens in the game. Ivy and Lena hang around with Holly who attends pole dancing classes.
yep if ivy and lena corrupt her but if she is in a relationship with ian and everyone wants a (pure) holly this dosent make sens at all

. They can have some level of influence over her while at it.
they have complete influance over her she wants to try something new on the change/corruption path she looks up to ivy and lena and she wants to be like ivy and lena THE GOOD AND THE BAD incluce beaing slutty especially if lena and ivy will go deeper and deeper the more the story progress
As it stands right now Lena is mainly in control of Hollys corruption if she encourages her to pole dance.
again this should be the start of the corruption route beauce this means holly is going to CHANGE in the future and act more and more and more like ivy and lena .....
Lena would want and does want to hang out with Holly because she is a fan of her books and over the course of the story befriends her.

Ivy finds Holly cute and wants to corrupt her, but can not without Lena's approval. She wants to hang out with Holly for those reasons, but also because she'll hangout with any of Lena's friends, see Louise.
again as the story progress lena and ivy will get deeper and deeper drugs,billy partys,..........
it dosent make any sens if holly is NOT corrupted because she CANT get corrupted because of viable that holly/ian are dating to hang around them or to try to be like them or than ivy is at all interested in her.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2020
no the problem is that holly corruption is together with Ian/holly are dating that is the problem!!!!

its not a good idea to make this decission

yep if ivy and lena corrupt her but if she is in a relationship with ian and everyone wants a (pure) holly this dosent make sens at all

they have complete influance over her she wants to try something new on the change/corruption path she looks up to ivy and lena and she wants to be like ivy and lena THE GOOD AND THE BAD incluce beaing slutty especially if lena and ivy will go deeper and deeper the more the story progress

again this should be the start of the corruption route beauce this means holly is going to CHANGE in the future and act more and more and more like ivy and lena .....

again as the story progress lena and ivy will get deeper and deeper drugs,billy partys,..........
it dosent make any sens if holly is NOT corrupted because she CANT get corrupted because of viable that holly/ian are dating to hang around them or to try to be like them or than ivy is at all interested in her.
The relevant routes for Holly right now
Pure Holly dating Ian
High Holly change dating Ian
Pure Holly not dating Ian
High Holly change not dating Ian

Pure Holly can be in pole dancing while dating Ian. You're saying that Holly will have to be corrupted because Lena and Ivy become more corrupted. Problem is that Holly is written better than you want her to be. She isn't going to go from loyal non corrupted gf of Ian to drug whore at the flip of a switch. Sure maybe there will be a Holly that is like that, but if that happens that will be the most corrupted Holly and would require the player to actively corrupt her. Not "oh Lena is corrupted so obviously pure Holly that pole dances immediately become a bimbo"


Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
The relevant routes for Holly right now
Pure Holly dating Ian
High Holly change dating Ian
Pure Holly not dating Ian
High Holly change not dating Ian
but here lys the PROBLEM

Pure Holly dating Ian:
it makes zero sens for pure/book worm holly to go to pole class or hang around ivy this should be for corruption/change holly only

High Holly change dating Ian
again I would not put corruption and dating together it will be a writting mess to have a pure book worm holly that swings around pole dance like a pro and dance twister on ians dick(without any experince at all) and hangs around ivy and slutty lena while beaing the nicest loyal vanilla person :WaitWhat: :WaitWhat:ivy would fall asleep

High Holly change not dating Ian
again same as above there should be one corruption and one pure route dosent matter if holly and ian dating otherwise you will get some weird holly hybrid that will make zero sens the deeper the story goes

I am saying thisa gain but
JoeSte91 made a great point with this
So, as far as the Holly route would go, it would be:

Good Ian + Good Lena = Pure Holly
Good Ian + Slut Lena = Corrupted Holly


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2020
but here lys the PROBLEM

Pure Holly dating Ian:
it makes zero sens for pure/book worm holly to go to pole class or hang around ivy this should be for corruption/change holly only

High Holly change dating Ian
again I would not put corruption and dating together it will be a writting mess to have a pure book worm holly that swings around pole dance like a pro and dance twister on ians dick(without any experince at all) and hangs around ivy and slutty lena while beaing the nicest loyal vanilla person :WaitWhat: :WaitWhat:ivy would fall asleep

High Holly change not dating Ian
again same as above there should be one corruption and one pure route dosent matter if holly and ian dating otherwise you will get some weird holly hybrid that will make zero sens the deeper the story goes
Dawg I don't think you played the game. BOOKWORM HOLLY IS THE ONE WHO GOES TO POLE DANCE. Before that there is only one opportunity to raise holly_change variable. There's no way for Holly to be highly changed when she is pushed to pole dance. Furthermore she doesn't even get a holly_change variable raised when she is pushed. Lena chooses to corrupt or protect Holly, AFTER she joins pole dancing lessons. These choices to corrupt or protect Holly are only available if Holly is pole dancing.

You don't see the point in putting 'corruption' and Ian dating together, but it has been this way for 11 chapters and no issues have been raised. Nothing about Holly has been inconsistent. Lena can still recommend Mark and Holly does message him, but later says she's not into him. She dresses more slutty and Ian compliments her on it and she is better in the bedroom, being able to make Ian cum with a blowjob and being more chill with a finger up her bum.

I'd argue that there is almost no point in not encouraging her to pole dance because she can still be pure on that path, the only reason I see someone picking to let her desist is if they really want to avoid Ivy and favour Louise or they are super scared of Holly kissing anyone but Ian.


Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
Nothing about Holly has been inconsistent
she is better in the bedroom, being able to make Ian cum with a blowjob and being more chill with a finger up her bum.
from which experince does this come from exatcly?????
I'd argue that there is almost no point in not encouraging her to pole dance because she can still be pure on that path, the only
it should have was a great oppuntunity to have holly eather go down corruption or to keep her pure and a book worm dosent matter if dating or not

She dresses more slutty and Ian compliments her on it
yup on the bybrid corruption/loyal/book worm/dating angel route she dress more slutty for whatever reason :WaitWhat: :WaitWhat: :WaitWhat:
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Active Member
Jul 22, 2019
As it stands right now Lena is mainly in control of Hollys corruption if she encourages her to pole dance. If not Holly can barely be corrupted. But even if Holly is a part of the pole dancing lessons, holly_change variables are subject to the encouragement of Lena.

Lena would want and does want to hang out with Holly because she is a fan of her books and over the course of the story befriends her.

Ivy finds Holly cute and wants to corrupt her, but can not without Lena's approval. She wants to hang out with Holly for those reasons, but also because she'll hangout with any of Lena's friends, see Louise.

Lena can be the biggest cumdumpster, have the highest lust score, and have encouraged Holly to pole dance, and still Holly is not necessarily corrupted. It's possible right now in the game.
There are moments where Ian can encourage Holly to be more Lena as I been playing with JDMOD, especially if you on Ian/Holly route.

That's one thing I like about this game is the little details. Like with Holly you can tell she's getting more confident based on her outfits and wearing contact lens. I hope we see her more with her hair down without being a sex scene. She looks more beautiful with her hair down.
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