It's funny how Cindy gets so much hate and yet Wade doesn't. I'll admit I like Cindy's character, just hope if do romance her with Ian there is an option to not lose her to Axel et-al.
However, I think if we are all being brutally honest, if you try and equate a VN to real life, any woman...certainly in my long time on this earth, would fuck off if they were being treated how they are by someone like Wade, who ultimately, again being honest, is as much as a fucking loser as Perry or Stan in reality.
No self-respecting woman of her league (and Cindy is way above Wade's league) would put up with it. Is the cheating bad/wrong? Sure, but as has been said, it's there for the porn/kink effect, nothing more. Take that aside for a moment and would anyone really blame her for looking elsewhere. As I've said before, I hope they do split regardless, make for interesting story with the friend dynamics.