What do you mean only those six scenes? Are you talking about only sex scenes?Maybe is just me, but I am not too excited about the beach house update. So we have Ian, Wade, Perry, Emma, Holly and later Lena.
Why just this 6?
- Perry might make a move on Emma - but at most we get the continuation of the after drugs scene.
- Wade is still technically in a relationship with Cindy, so I doubt that he will do anything.
- Emma might get a scene with Ian that will create some tension with Perry.
- Emma might get a scene with Lena that won't create any tension if Lena's single.
- There will be a "you've been cheating on me conversation" between Ian and Lena - this was set up previously by Ivy - telling her about Cindy (though this is just one path, you can still be with Cindy without anyone knowing or even suspecting it) and by Jeremy who heard rumors.
- Last but not least - Holly - but I don't care about her, if she drowns, she won't be missed
- Everything else that you pointed out might happen, but I don't think that this conversations can really push the story too much.
Basically, this will be just a normal update. With only those 6 involved, the beach house could have been another night spent in the Fortress. Ian has his group and will spend most of his time alone with them (Friday, Saturday) and Lena has hers and she'll do the same thing.
- Allison said she won't be there and she already got a scene in this update.
- Same for Cindy and Cherry.
- Jeremy wasn't invited - but I guess we'll see him with Ivy and or Lena, either on Friday or Saturday, before she leaves the city.
- Louise is invisible for the group, which is a pity - she might get a scene with Lena on Friday or Saturday.
- Nobody knows that Stan exists - I mean they do, but he's just that one dude that we've seen once at a concert.
- Mike/Mark/Marcel/Robert/Seymour - could get a scene on Friday or Saturday.
What this party needs is to mix up the groups more and just like someone else pointed out, re do the truth or dare game. Ivy trying to get some sort of revenge on Cindy either by forcing her into admission that she cheated or by doing stuff with Wade/Ian. Ian helping out Perry with Emma or doing the opposite. Jeremy pushing Lena to show her true colors in order to prove to Ian that he wasn't talking shit for no reason and so on.
For example, Wade finally having proper introductions with Lena and Holly can mean a lot, especially Lena. Lena can talk to Wade about who and what Axel is, and can help motivate him to action, or can hide who Axel is causing that his relationship with Cindy to suffer more. Lena also has the possibility of knowing about Ian and Cindy, combined with Perry's suspicions could lead to a huge blow up. There doesn't have to be a sex scene here for there to be a major development for Wade's story. Or imagine a Holly under the influence of Ivy unknowingly flirting with Wade, because she doesn't know about his relationship with Cindy. No sex, but Wade can be a measuring stick for how much Holly is being influenced by Ivy here.
Emma being there opens up the possibility of threesomes with the Lena / Ian pairing or the Lena / Holly pairing. I hesitate to say the Ian / Holly pairing, but I won't write it off entirely. Throwing Perry into the mix, not as a potential sex partner, but as someone that can catch Emma with Ian, Lena, is also a huge potential interaction that can do a lot to ruin his friendship with them. But if Emma is single, Perry could solidify his relation with her here. If Lena is in good relations with Seymour, that could also lead to a lot of drama between her and Emma, again not a sex scene, but a potential huge plot point and a reset of that relationship.
I don't understand your point about this event could take place at The Fortress. Almost this entire game could take place in the fortress and the story wouldn't change much, the point of them relocating is to keep the scenery fresh. We'll have several fresh pairings here, away from the influence of other cast members.