Louise isn't any better than the toxic assholes in question. In fact, she's just as toxic, if not more. The only two good options are Ian and Holly.
Not wrong. Said this ages ago and I will keep saying it. Lena's romances, other than Ian, Holly, and Ivy to a small extent, are point blank trash and toxic. There is literally nothing good there other than 'Heh Lena's a slut, let me beat off my 2cm while I enjoy this cucking of Ian REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'.
Ian is the best fit romance wise while also indulgent on Lena being a sub side. Holly is just pure and wholesome and endearing. Throuple there would be great... BUT because true rational thinking wasn't applied and shitshow drama had to be forced, the throuple is gonna require a tight rope act.
Ivy... Sure, casual wise it's all well and good. But I think with Lena's influence to some extent she could keep Ivy in check and turn about things with her to form some measure of a relationship there. Sure, there is alot there with Ivy and all the fun time games and things she does and play at... But I don't think she is entirely heartless or neglectful though.