Jeremy is a fuckboi. he's also a selfish prick. if Ian has his eye on someone, then suddenly Jeremy wants to fuck them too. Lena..Allison..Emma..need i say more. he's not a good friend which is why i always make choices that reduce his friendship points, especially having both Ian and Lena advise Ivy not to fuck him. so fuck you Jeremy. go find your own bitches you clown.
oh and not to mention how he gives Ian cheap shots during their training at first. love to see Ian kick his ass during the tournament using take downs. but i also prefer the kickboxing style so Ian may not be able to beat Jeremy due to Jeremy having a reach advantage. need to fuck up his knees. a man can't stand..he can't fight..
Yay, been a while until we had Jeremy bashing.
He doesn't make a move on Lena, Lena can make a move on him. Because she tells Ivy and Ivy quickly ropes her in and creates a scenario in which they end up getting close. Afterwards, its Lena who initiates.
Alison sents him a message after her breakup. Its indicated that she sent Jeremy before Ian, but even if not and even the fact that Ian is her first choice: She is fine settling with him for a fuckbuddy and so does he: He made it clear multiple times that he doesn't want a girlfriend.
With Emma, he only got interested after Ian encouraged him. Man, what a selfish, mean prick to try to steal Ians girls!!!
His actual low points are his behaviour with Louise (which she is also indicated to be partly blame), him not telling Wade, and him not telling Ian asap, though Lena only mingles with both of them on the if it remains casual with Ian, so there is no strict cheating.
Generally, Jeremy is one of the few proactive characters. He has interests and he makes a move. If it doesn't go well, then he moves on and doesn't sulk. Without him, Ian would be the only dude to fuck in this game (aside Lenas partners) and he is a much better initiator and motivator to Ian than Perry and Wade. Due to his role, he is secondary to successfull chad Ian, but even that isn't something that frustrates him, he is happy for Ian.