We get Minerva with a new hairstyle as well along the way, though I forget if that's from a variable dependent on whether she's sleeping with Ian, or if it just happens automatically. Either way she's another character, imo, with potential for a wardrobe and/or body change coming, perhaps based on Ian's relationship with her. Maybe wearing something a little sluttier if they're both into nasty & casual sex, or maybe something a little more classically milfy (more care in hair and makeup, accentuate her physical attributes with clothes but not advertise them) if she and Ian are building a loving relationship. We already have Lena noticing that Minerva's more engaged with Ivy's pole-dancing class if she's sleeping with Ian (though Lena doesn't know why she's working out harder), so that hints at an upcoming slimmer and toned body shape for Minerva.