"Unknown message" if (v10_mark_flirt and v11sms_mark == False) or (v10_wc_bj == "mark" and v11sms_mark == False):
if v10_axel_fight == "mark":
ma_p "{i}Anyway, it was a pity your psycho ex crashed the party. Why don't you make it up to me by getting some drinks together one of these days?{/i}"
elif holly_guy == 2:
ma_p "{i}I had to leave earlier than planned, but I'd love to hang out with you again. Are you up to getting a few drinks one of these days?{/i}"
ma_p "{i}It sucked that your psycho ex crashed the party, but I'd love to hang out with you again. Are you up to getting a few drinks one of these days?{/i}"
ma_p "{i}They're on me, of course {image=emoji_wink.webp}{/i}"
"{image=icon_lust.webp}I'd love to":
"What about Holly?" if holly_guy > 0:
ma_p "{i}So, what about you? Are you interested?{image=emoji_wink.webp}{/i}"
"{image=icon_lust.webp}I am":