I'm curious what Emma's path is going to look like going forward. If her and Perry hooked up at the beach house it seems fairly straight forward, but if they didn't there is a lot of possibility there. I don't know what Eva's plans are, but hiding the mayoral election behind Emma's relationship with Perry is a brilliant idea in my opinion (probably because it's mine, and I'm biased.) Like if they talked about it amicably then life keeps going on and it will probably come down to how Ian and Lena react to Seymour. But if Perry throws a fit and kicks everyone out; I could see him blaming not just Ian, but Emma too.
Could his whinging and childish behavior effect how his dad treats Emma? And could that treatment be enough to rally her against him? Especially if Ian has also had a poor relationship with Perry, I'm thinking explicitly about him calling Perry an idiot in front Emma and mocking his stutter to her laughter.