She could also be just drunk on cocks.The drug scene is currently just speculation by Lena. We don't know if Ivy secretly druged Holly or if Holly took the drugs voluntarily to encourage herself.
She could also be just drunk on cocks.The drug scene is currently just speculation by Lena. We don't know if Ivy secretly druged Holly or if Holly took the drugs voluntarily to encourage herself.
Except this time it is true. Just as I posted in the beginning, Lena said, while watching holly's clips, that "Holly had a strange expression, dazed, with dilated pupils and flushed cheeks." and if Lena's wit is high enough (wits>7), she also added "It felt like she was under the influence of something, or at least that's how it seemed to me..."People were grasping at the same straws when Holly went with Mark and blew him in the car. "Oh no, poor sweet Holly is too pure and would never do that on her own. Look, Ivy gave her a drink at the club, she must've put drugs in it!" Give it a chapter or two of Holly fucking around, and no one thinks Holly is "too pure for a hookup" and must be getting drugged to act like that, or bat an eye when she sneaks into Ian's room to fuck him.
Funnily enough the members on her discord does call us whiner's and talks about how great of an update it was .I'll bet the conversation over on Eva's Discord is just about the exact opposite of ours. "Eva, you're awesome, go Stanny go, I love him so much and he finally scored! Best update ever!" Also it's hilarious to me that during and after the sex, there's nothing from Stan about "offering his sword" and all his weird clingy love talk, he's just completely exhausted.
Let's say that's true. But why manipulate people? Why does she behave like that? What led to this? We need a personal background. If we have Ivy villian arc, then why not write her as a controversial character, and not boringly bad, just because.I agree with you on most part but I don't think Ivy needs a reason to be who she is, It's evident to me that she simply enjoys manipulating people in fact i'm glad she's like that because it makes things more interesting and creates more drama.
Maybe Eva will give some more insight into Ivy's personality in the future, maybe if she falls for Ian she opens up to him and we'll know more about her.
An introverted and very weak willed Holly is peer pressured into doing drugs. There is a power disparity here. It's pretty coercive compared to homegirls passing each other drugs. But whether it be drugs or cocks that she is high on, Ivy and Lena are real fucked up people in this route, for real lol. Because let's face it, Eva took the dive into the corruption spiral. It's no longer a nuanced look of perhaps a shy girl breaking out of her shell with some sex positive message from her close friends. It's two horrible sluts corrupting a girl who had a bright future ahead of her.Yes Holly was certainly under drug influence. But Ivy didn't need to coerce her, just to propose her molly like she did to Lena. And Holly being weak willed under peer pressure took it.
I know there's that line but like i said, it could be just as well emotional high from sucking bunch of cocks at a glory hole. Something that's a bit of a trope. Flushed checks, dilated pupils and dazed expression are common symptoms of basic, high arousal, too. Remember Lena's "crazy eyes" people are making fun of in this thread? It's similar thing.Except this time it is true. Just as I posted in the beginning, Lena said, while watching holly's clips, that "Holly had a strange expression, dazed, with dilated pupils and flushed cheeks." and if Lena's wit is high enough (wits>7), she also added "It felt like she was under the influence of something, or at least that's how it seemed to me..."
Eva made a post saying that she would never stray from the original plan for this game. Yet it really does seem like she's just following her top patreons wishes and polls.So are John and Clark 250€ patreons that got in the game and are allowed to fuck Lena and Holly as a reward?
"I really hope that Holly went and blew seven strangers on her own, this is just girls having fun, unless her agency was compromised by the influence of drugs, that's yucky."I really hope that Holly and the glory hole was done on her own, not some dumb drugs like someone has mentioned. It's weird and creepy.
Of course is true,you literally have to turn off your brain and look to the other side in that scene to no understand what is happening.Except this time it is true. Just as I posted in the beginning, Lena said, while watching holly's clips, that "Holly had a strange expression, dazed, with dilated pupils and flushed cheeks." and if Lena's wit is high enough (wits>7), she also added "It felt like she was under the influence of something, or at least that's how it seemed to me..."
You don't need to feel bad about defending Eva back then because you had every reason to, the only issue we felt frustrated by was the long wait between updates.Let's say that's true. But why manipulate people? Why does she behave like that? What led to this? We need a personal background. If we have Ivy villian arc, then why not write her as a controversial character, and not boringly bad, just because.
I doubt about development of character arcs and writing their personalities, because the last few updates I see downgrade characters. Eva now is Ubisofting her game and asking real-life Stan's and Perry's what to do next.
Ironically, I was Eva's defender long time ago.
I feel like whole episodes would have been better despite the long wait.You don't need to feel bad about defending Eva back then because you had every reason to, the only issue we felt frustrated by was the long wait between updates.
At that time she was actually decent, motivated and had a clear vision... Now I'm not so sure.
What's confusing? Doing something on your own volition and doing something that's caused by influence/coercion/blackmail etc. is different."I really hope that Holly went and blew seven strangers on her own, this is just girls having fun, unless her agency was compromised by the influence of drugs, that's yucky."
The difference is that one puts all the blame in poor Holly while the other puts the blame on the real villain of ORS:Ivy fucking FeynmanWhat's confusing? Doing something on your own volition and doing by influence/coercion/blackmail etc. is different.
We have seen Ivy take party drugs on her own multiple times, regardless if Lena wants her share too. I'd say it's just her idea of how to have fun, that goes along with casual fucking. So it's perfectly possible she simply shares this idea and practice with Holly, because she thinks that's a way for Holly to have more fun, too. And Holly evidently seems to be onboard with it and does enjoy it.Second time through, it occurred to me maybe Ivy had given her drugs. Probably not against Holly's will, but in this route Holly has been well accustomed to submitting to Ivy's desires whether she really wants to or not. It's also completely possible, as has been said, that Holly was interested in trying the drug. But at the moment it's all very unclear. (It also lends support to BlandChili's idea that it would have been better for Lena to have been present with Ivy and Holly, so both she as a character and we as players know better what happened.)