I didn't notice until I loaded my save up just how many women I had Lena going after.
So far Lena has 3 on the go and Ian has Minerva.
Feel a bit bad not having Lena just focus on Holly, she's quite sweet. I would have multiple saves for the different routes but while I enjoy it for what it is I can't get into it like I did with GGGB due to multi protag so 1 playthrough will have to do.
I'm sure i'll know who to pick for her eventually. The rebound roommate, the lil cutie or the hot stripper friend. Decisions, decisions. It's really hard picking between Ivy, Louise and Holly.
It doesn't help that I skip through Ian's part so I have no idea if my plans are working on that side. I know I managed to angle Ian towards Minerva but I didn't think anything would actually happen ... oh how wrong I was. That will do for him.
Got Cindy posing for Axel in the hopes she'll go for him and he'll leave Lena alone so I can play with my pussies in peace.
I did want to set Ian's roommate up with Emma but no idea if I managed it. Alison is with Ian's friend. the other guy who's name i've glossed over lots and still haven't bothered remembering, Cindy's curent boyfriend, he'll be alone. His girl is being the sacrificial lamb to save my Lena from Axel.
I was hoping I could get Lena some old girl pussy but seems she comes as a package deal and I don't want her creepy as fuck husband.
It's weird if this game, it's like I only get half the story but when I try to get it all I just end up skipping cos I have no interest in Ian's route, it bores me. Feel really weird saying I really love half this game.
The Jess that turned up must have been way before the end of GGGB, she ended my game as a sweetheart either with Ashley on her route (that was a sweet route) or Dave when I had Ash on one of the other girls routes.
This Jess reminded me of Jess near the start of GGGB ... or she was just having a bad day. I like sweet Jess but Bitch Jess does have a special place in my heart.