I still think there'll be more to the Axel and Seymour relationship routes then simply sex, or what some other people have been suggesting. Maybe I'm just reading too much into what we've gotten so far, but I dunno - call it a hunch.
If there's not, then what Lena gets in comparison to Ian when it comes to romance options will be pretty poor. Considering we know there's a romance with Cindy, Minerva, Holly, Lena and Allison for Ian... who does Lena have? Okay, Holly and Louise for lesbian options, Ian, and possibly Mike... who else? You can hardly consider Robert a romance route because the guy has no interest in getting to know Lena beyond fucking her which makes his route totally bland, and Jeremy even less. I mean, if we're honest even Mike seems more interested in Lena for her body then anything she has to say. Even with those romance choices it would still leave Lena short for romances next to Ian.
At the very least either Axel or Seymour will probably be added to that list. If I had to guess one it would be Axel, but I do think Seymour will be a choice too - the mature option for Lena's route where Ian has Minerva in his. When you think about it, even at the current stage there is more fleshing out of Axel and Seymour then any of the other guys besides Ian, and I feel that's for a greater purpose then just a sexual route.
Oh and as I said earlier, I don't expect Seymour's 'romance' route to be all sunshine and butterflies. If I had to venture a guess it will probably be pretty dark and questionable (or I hope it is, for something different), but probably pretty interesting if you're into power-plays and mind-fucks (again, I hope).