Jerking off to Jeremy's pictures makes him feel guilty and weird about himself and he doesn't want it to become a habit. If he was into guys previously, that wouldn't be that weird for him. Or if it's just the friendship aspect that weirds him out, then he'd at least mention his attraction to Axel in his thoughts, but he never does.
Not really. I'd have to look at the exact phrasing of his thoughts in that scene (I never played his voyeur content), but feeling weird and/or guilty about jerking to your friend's hetero sex pics doesn't have to say anything against Ian's potential interest in guys whatsoever. It's WHY he feels weird/guilt/etc that's important.
Firstly, the fact he feels weird or guilt is chiefly due to it being a new experience - voyeurism with a
friend's picture; something he probably hadn't had the chance to get used to or feel comfortable with for multiple reasons - it's personal, it's perverted, it goes against his nature (at that time). Which leads to the fact that...
Second, Ian is quite self-aware, introspective and has a certain level of discipline, so he has a high awareness of most of his actions and what that could mean - time and time again we see evidence of that regardless of the players choices, because that's the backbone of his personality (at the start, at least). The fact that he doesn't want to make a habit of it says he recognizes voyeurism is 'wrong' and doesn't want to become desensitized to it. Of course, the more he does it the less misgivings he'll have.
Just cos Jeremy is a dude, doesn't mean that Ian has to salivate over his dick, or when he doesn't, that it means he can't be bi. Being bi (or any sexuality) doesn't mean you're automatically attracted to every guy or girl, or their bodies/genitals, and even straight guys will check out other guys dicks - if only to compare - and that doesn't say anything against their heterosexuality. People will like what they like, and people will have their own morals too - conscious and subconscious. I can safely say that, being bi, I could look at the naked bodies of most of my friends and feel no sexual urges toward them whatsoever - not all of them, but almost all of them - because most of them are akin to family, and that's a moral line my subconscious would never even consider crossing.
When it comes to Axel, besides the obvious fact that Eva doesn't plan to add gay content in the game, Ian not verbalizing or internalizing his attraction to Axel also says nothing about his potential bisexuality. Again, being bisexual doesn't mean you're automatically attracted to someone. You can find that they're a good looking guy at the start (which Ian acknowledges of Axel), and quite easily begin to feel more if you find yourself in certain situations with them, or if you connect with them. Like a moment where it hits you like a ton of bricks -'fuck, he's actually pretty hot'. This comes back to what I said about sex being more then just purely physical, at least some of the time, and more for some then others.
Of course, if Ian specifically said he felt weird/wrong jerking to Jeremy's dick, that's another matter entirely, and I stand corrected.

EDIT: though if he was specifically jerking to Jeremy's dick he could still feel weird or wrong all he wanted - you'd have to ask why he wasn't looking at Louise. lol
If Ian's anything like me, he'd be comfortable being a voyeur and admiring Jeremy's (or Axel's) dick, admitting that they're hot, but when it comes to actually imagining himself with a guy, that image might actually make him very uncomfortable because that's just something he never desired (never had a crush on a dude). I can imagine him be willing to try pegging with a girl though.
Unless I'm wrong, Ian is new to voyeurism - at least where his friends are concerned. I already mentioned all this above so I won't go into it beyond that but to say: if he
is new to voyeurism, or this more personal aspect of it, then there would be
every reason for him
not to feel quite comfortable with it.
When it comes to imagining being with a guy, it's ineffective to put your own feeling about being with a guy on Ian if you're straight. If Ian is hypothetically bisexual, he probably wouldn't feel deeply uncomfortable over the thought of bisexual acts, because at some point he probably would have considered them (even if he never acted on them). Even if it was the first time he'd ever considered it and it did make him uncomfortable because the thought was foreign and new (or against some belief he had), it would still come with a hint of arousal, because that's sort of the point - if he's bisexual, he's not going to feel only disgust over the
idea of being with someone of the same sex.
But most likely Eva would have to introduce another male character for Ian, who'd either be gay or bisexual as well, because I just can't see Jeremy or Axel being into that (unless Axel is in a closet as well). Perry seems more plausible, but not sure if he's an attractive option.
Jeremy I can understand not being an option - unless he's a closet case or secretly curious; you never know, honestly - just as he might be against it, some of the biggest advocates against something are the deepest in denial.
However, I'm not sure why Axel is out of contention? I mean,
so far we've not heard him talk about sex, nor established his personality, to the point where it would rule out bisexuality. Sure, he could be in the closet, but he could equally be confident enough in who he is not to make a big deal of, or get defensive over, his bisexuality. Being very attractive and an 'artist' would also give him a pass in the eyes of his social circle, without any real judgement.
Speaking from my own experience, bisexuals kind of have it simultaneously easier and (arguably, in some ways) harder then other sexualities. Easier because we largely slip under the radar of discerning society because we're 'at least "half normal"' and so 'less threatening' to societies still-ingrained sensibilities; and harder because, as a result of society not really paying attention, bisexuality is misunderstood and as a result either dismissed or blanket assumptions are made about being loose/promiscuous/wanting to fuck anything that moves. IDK if you read
my post quite a way back about bisexuality, but in it I mentioned how varied bisexuality can be, and how it's not just a case of, 'bisexuals like both men and women'.
Anyway, feel free to correct me on anything to do with the voyeurism content in the game that would invalidate what I said, as it's not something I have played, or ever plan to.