
May 18, 2017
Just cheating behind Ian's back is very nice or nicer than full on cuckolding to me... Call it whatever you want... Netorare is hot shit. Especially if Ian doesn't want it to happen or he doesn't want to admit he likes seeing or knowing Mike is using Lena's holes...
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
I'm still not sure about one Thing. If I remember correctly there are two Scenes in the Game where Ian and Lena can fall in Love with each other (Telling Jeremy you falling for Lena as Ian and after one Sex Scene to snuggle with Ian as Lena right?) Does this mean you need both Scenes for them to fall in Love or does it mean if you just do one Scene then just Ian falls in Love with Lena or the other way around?

I'm just wondering if you can make one of them fall in love but not the other one or if you just can make them both fall in love with each other? I never play them falling in Love but I'm interested how this works.
Yes, you can make it so that only one of them loves the other, while the other one only treats it as a casual relationship. In that case, the love would be unrequited, and it would probably be similar to Ian/Cherry or Lena/Robert relationships, where one wants to become more serious while another wants freedom. If it leads into a conflict, I imagine they could decide whether to stop their ongoing relationship due to the conflict of interests, or still continue dating, but on agreed terms (open or exclusive relationship).
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Jun 3, 2018
Jerking off to Jeremy's pictures makes him feel guilty and weird about himself and he doesn't want it to become a habit. If he was into guys previously, that wouldn't be that weird for him. Or if it's just the friendship aspect that weirds him out, then he'd at least mention his attraction to Axel in his thoughts, but he never does.
Not really. I'd have to look at the exact phrasing of his thoughts in that scene (I never played his voyeur content), but feeling weird and/or guilty about jerking to your friend's hetero sex pics doesn't have to say anything against Ian's potential interest in guys whatsoever. It's WHY he feels weird/guilt/etc that's important.

Firstly, the fact he feels weird or guilt is chiefly due to it being a new experience - voyeurism with a friend's picture; something he probably hadn't had the chance to get used to or feel comfortable with for multiple reasons - it's personal, it's perverted, it goes against his nature (at that time). Which leads to the fact that...

Second, Ian is quite self-aware, introspective and has a certain level of discipline, so he has a high awareness of most of his actions and what that could mean - time and time again we see evidence of that regardless of the players choices, because that's the backbone of his personality (at the start, at least). The fact that he doesn't want to make a habit of it says he recognizes voyeurism is 'wrong' and doesn't want to become desensitized to it. Of course, the more he does it the less misgivings he'll have.

Just cos Jeremy is a dude, doesn't mean that Ian has to salivate over his dick, or when he doesn't, that it means he can't be bi. Being bi (or any sexuality) doesn't mean you're automatically attracted to every guy or girl, or their bodies/genitals, and even straight guys will check out other guys dicks - if only to compare - and that doesn't say anything against their heterosexuality. People will like what they like, and people will have their own morals too - conscious and subconscious. I can safely say that, being bi, I could look at the naked bodies of most of my friends and feel no sexual urges toward them whatsoever - not all of them, but almost all of them - because most of them are akin to family, and that's a moral line my subconscious would never even consider crossing.

When it comes to Axel, besides the obvious fact that Eva doesn't plan to add gay content in the game, Ian not verbalizing or internalizing his attraction to Axel also says nothing about his potential bisexuality. Again, being bisexual doesn't mean you're automatically attracted to someone. You can find that they're a good looking guy at the start (which Ian acknowledges of Axel), and quite easily begin to feel more if you find yourself in certain situations with them, or if you connect with them. Like a moment where it hits you like a ton of bricks -'fuck, he's actually pretty hot'. This comes back to what I said about sex being more then just purely physical, at least some of the time, and more for some then others.

Of course, if Ian specifically said he felt weird/wrong jerking to Jeremy's dick, that's another matter entirely, and I stand corrected. :p EDIT: though if he was specifically jerking to Jeremy's dick he could still feel weird or wrong all he wanted - you'd have to ask why he wasn't looking at Louise. lol
If Ian's anything like me, he'd be comfortable being a voyeur and admiring Jeremy's (or Axel's) dick, admitting that they're hot, but when it comes to actually imagining himself with a guy, that image might actually make him very uncomfortable because that's just something he never desired (never had a crush on a dude). I can imagine him be willing to try pegging with a girl though.
Unless I'm wrong, Ian is new to voyeurism - at least where his friends are concerned. I already mentioned all this above so I won't go into it beyond that but to say: if he is new to voyeurism, or this more personal aspect of it, then there would be every reason for him not to feel quite comfortable with it.

When it comes to imagining being with a guy, it's ineffective to put your own feeling about being with a guy on Ian if you're straight. If Ian is hypothetically bisexual, he probably wouldn't feel deeply uncomfortable over the thought of bisexual acts, because at some point he probably would have considered them (even if he never acted on them). Even if it was the first time he'd ever considered it and it did make him uncomfortable because the thought was foreign and new (or against some belief he had), it would still come with a hint of arousal, because that's sort of the point - if he's bisexual, he's not going to feel only disgust over the idea of being with someone of the same sex.
But most likely Eva would have to introduce another male character for Ian, who'd either be gay or bisexual as well, because I just can't see Jeremy or Axel being into that (unless Axel is in a closet as well). Perry seems more plausible, but not sure if he's an attractive option.
Jeremy I can understand not being an option - unless he's a closet case or secretly curious; you never know, honestly - just as he might be against it, some of the biggest advocates against something are the deepest in denial.

However, I'm not sure why Axel is out of contention? I mean, so far we've not heard him talk about sex, nor established his personality, to the point where it would rule out bisexuality. Sure, he could be in the closet, but he could equally be confident enough in who he is not to make a big deal of, or get defensive over, his bisexuality. Being very attractive and an 'artist' would also give him a pass in the eyes of his social circle, without any real judgement.

Speaking from my own experience, bisexuals kind of have it simultaneously easier and (arguably, in some ways) harder then other sexualities. Easier because we largely slip under the radar of discerning society because we're 'at least "half normal"' and so 'less threatening' to societies still-ingrained sensibilities; and harder because, as a result of society not really paying attention, bisexuality is misunderstood and as a result either dismissed or blanket assumptions are made about being loose/promiscuous/wanting to fuck anything that moves. IDK if you read my post quite a way back about bisexuality, but in it I mentioned how varied bisexuality can be, and how it's not just a case of, 'bisexuals like both men and women'.

Anyway, feel free to correct me on anything to do with the voyeurism content in the game that would invalidate what I said, as it's not something I have played, or ever plan to.
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Apr 8, 2018
Yes, you can make it so that only one of them loves the other, while the other one only treats it as a casual relationship. In that case, the love would be unrequited, and it would probably be similar to Ian/Cherry or Lena/Robert relationships, where one wants to become more serious while another wants freedom. If it leads into a conflict, I imagine they could decide whether to stop their ongoing relationship due to the conflict of interests, or still continue dating, but on agreed terms (open or exclusive relationship).
Thanks for the Clarification! So this means Ian telling Jeremy he falls for Lena locks him falling in love and when you as Lena chose snuggling after Sex with Ian it locks her falling in Love right?

Princess Groundhog

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
though if he was specifically jerking to Jeremy's dick he could still feel weird or wrong all he wanted - you'd have to ask why he wasn't looking at Louise. lol
This is what I think could have been an option to explore Ian's bisexuality. When he's wanking to Jeremy's pics, we could have an option to either focus on the girl, or focus on the cock, as Ian cums. That would flag him as bi-curious, similar to how Lena's BBC kink is flagged when peeking on Jeremy and Louise, and having the option to focus on Louise (lesbian feelings) or Jeremy's dick (BBC thoughts).

Those that don't want bi Ian obviously wouldn't focus on the dick and never have that content come up again.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
When it comes to imagining being with a guy, it's ineffective to put your own feeling about being with a guy on Ian if you're straight. If Ian is hypothetically bisexual, he probably wouldn't feel deeply uncomfortable over the thought of bisexual acts, because at some point he probably would have considered them (even if he never acted on them). Even if it was the first time he'd ever considered it and it did make him uncomfortable because the thought was foreign and new (or against some belief he had), it would still come with a hint of arousal, because that's sort of the point - if he's bisexual, he's not going to feel only disgust over the idea of being with someone of the same sex.
Someone mentioned that Ian might not be openly bisexual but merely bicurious which I personally find more believable. That's why I tried to imagine myself in his shoes because I'm aware of my bi-curiosity. However, while I might sometimes focus a bit of extra attention on a guy while watching porn, I never had an urge to fuck or date a dude, and the idea itself makes me quite uncomfortable personally. I don't say that it's impossible to end up in a scenario where Ian (if he's bicurious) finds himself not only attracted to a guy but wanting to act on it, just that the decision wouldn't be easy. It would most likely make him anxious due to the novelty of these emotions and he'd have to gradually open himself up to the idea, or deny those feelings and bury them just to stay in his comfort zone. Both options are possible. That's why I said, if Ian's bi-curiosity is similar to mine, he'd find himself more comfortable limited to being a voyeur, or satisfy his curiosity with some MFM action where he might feel safer to explore his bisexuality than on his own with a guy, like if there's a double penetration happening and he might "accidentally" "cross the swords" with a dude which is still considered pretty straight by the porn standards, but it might make him more aroused, and having a girl in the mix wouldn't make him ashamed for having an erection caused by the mild sexual contact with another guy.

Thanks for the Clarification! So this means Ian telling Jeremy he falls for Lena locks him falling in love and when you as Lena chose snuggling after Sex with Ian it locks her falling in Love right?

John Doe Jr.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
To me it seems all pretty shoe horned to make Ian, Axel, or Jeremy gay when there's really not evidence. If Eva had intended that she would've had much clearer hints about it far earlier like what's been done with Lena. Jeremy and Ian (depending on choices) are simply really good friends. There's a such thing as two guys having a very strong bond and camaraderie. It doesn't automatically mean gay. For example, and I'm sure there's many others here with the same experience, I've had a male friend since I was a child and we have no qualms whatsoever about stripping down and changing clothes in front of each other. We might even throw out a compliment about how we look good or something. That doesn't come from us being gay or secretly wanting to fuck each other, it comes from a long lasting friendship and respect for one another. If someone can refresh my memory, I don't think Ian ever looked at the pics sent to him by Jeremy and thought "I want to fuck him or have him fuck me." To me it seemed the main focus was a good friend of his sending hot pics of the chicks he's banging, not on Ian being gay and longing for homosexual relations with Jeremy. With this said, depending on what Eva's patrons think and what she herself thinks, after the game is completed or in a later chapter she might add a dlc of sorts in which a gay/bi male character or transgender is added as an option for Ian but I believe Eva has said she doesn't really feel comfortable about writing that for male characters.


Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2020
I don't think evidence is needed to portray beleivable non-heterosexuality, although there is certainly an argument to be made that if bisexuality were to be added to Ian it'd need some retrospective implementation and not just thrown in from any coming chapter onwards only.

I'm pretty sure you can play the game without Lena's bisexuality being hinted at ever too, yet if someone was to play like that first and then discover Lena's lesbian options on a following playthrough, I doubt they would perceive it as "shoe horned"

John Doe Jr.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
I don't think evidence is needed to portray beleivable non-heterosexuality, although there is certainly an argument to be made that if bisexuality were to be added to Ian it'd need some retrospective implementation and not just thrown in from any coming chapter onwards only.

I'm pretty sure you can play the game without Lena's bisexuality being hinted at ever too, yet if someone was to play like that first and then discover Lena's lesbian options on a following playthrough, I doubt they would perceive it as "shoe horned"
But it is hinted at as you have the choice, multiple times, to masturbate thinking about women or to focus on them. When Ian gets Jeremy's pics, there's no option for Ian to hyper focus on his dick and fantasize about it. Or for him to fantasize about any other male. So, in the way Eva has written his character, there's no concrete reason to say Ian is gay or bi


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Someone mentioned that Ian might not be openly bisexual but merely bicurious which I personally find more believable. That's why I tried to imagine myself in his shoes because I'm aware of my bi-curiosity. However, while I might sometimes focus a bit of extra attention on a guy while watching porn, I never had an urge to fuck or date a dude, and the idea itself makes me quite uncomfortable personally. I don't say that it's impossible to end up in a scenario where Ian (if he's bicurious) finds himself not only attracted to a guy but wanting to act on it, just that the decision wouldn't be easy. It would most likely make him anxious due to the novelty of these emotions and he'd have to gradually open himself up to the idea, or deny those feelings and bury them just to stay in his comfort zone. Both options are possible. That's why I said, if Ian's bi-curiosity is similar to mine, he'd find himself more comfortable limited to being a voyeur, or satisfy his curiosity with some MFM action where he might feel safer to explore his bisexuality than on his own with a guy, like if there's a double penetration happening and he might "accidentally" "cross the swords" with a dude which is still considered pretty straight by the porn standards, but it might make him more aroused, and having a girl in the mix wouldn't make him ashamed for having an erection caused by the mild sexual contact with another guy.
It may have been me that mention bi-curiosity that you're referring to, I'm not sure. I did mention it in relation to bisexual content in the game, but I believe it was a while back. In any case, one thing I was adamant about when originally putting the case out there for a bisexual Ian was the fact that it had to be believable, not shoehorned in. As much as I'd love the option for Ian to get with a guy, or guys, if it's not well-planned and executed it's better not to be written at all. Not that I have the fear when it comes to Eva's writing, but I wanted to put that out there. I'm not blindly advocating it.

Naturally bi-curiosity is going to seem more believable to you for Ian, because it's what you're familiar with - we identify aspects of ourselves in characters we connect with. But it doesn't mean that's the way he actually is. Context is important; the more we emotionally connect with a character the more we tend to press upon them ideals we value, and dislike it when they take a direction we don't value or 'see' for them - one inconvenient detail can shatter our image of a character. The fact that this is a game where we have choice on how our Ian acts on things is what's important - player agency is king.

For that reason, if Ian's bisexuality was based upon player's choice, or how they'd developed Ian up until then, then yeah - you could have Ian keep his bi-curiosity internalized, OR seek to sate his curiosity. Example, Ian with a high lust score could have less reservations about acting on his bisexuality, whereas anything less would mean he take a more tentative approach - that seems rather natural to me. If you add in one or two extra criteria just to subtly/subconsciously make sure that guy on guy sexy times is what the player actually wants before you go there, then all the better.

Though Princess Groundhog's idea was good, for the choice to actually be bisexual or bi-curious, or lock that content out and never mention it again, I'd choose an event on the main storyline, not the voyeur route. Reason being that some people (like me!) might not like to take part in the voyeur content. Throw a porn picture or a movie, or something Perry wants to show Ian, in some event, and let the player choose what Ian's gaze focuses on. Simple.

I do think you've made some really good suggestions (both in this post and your last one) in how bisexuality could be implemented, particularly if bisexuality is something that Ian may have only recently come upon. A person can be so sure about their sexuality until they meet someone that breaks that mold, and they discover that their taste may be a little broader then they thought, even if it's still quite niche (eg. a guy liking girls in general, but discovers theirs a particular type of guy he's attracted to, but no others). There's a lot of psychology that comes into discerning who and what we're attracted to based off of what we've experienced in life so far, and it's not always cut and dry, but that's a whole other rabbit hole to travel down.

If Ian was 'niche bisexual', I would be perfectly happy if his niche was Axel-shaped (obviously. lol). If he was bi-curious, or bisexual with no experience, and he got comfortable enough with Axel on account of them bonding over and supporting each other's art, or such, then it could be made to feel pretty natural for it to lead to more. Comfort is a major, if not the most important factor, in taking this step for bisexual Ian. It could start out as jerking each other off to straight porn, maybe a video of Lena.. lol.. they could bond over their experience with Lena. The only way Ian would dive into bisexual acts more broadly is if he had no real reservations about what he liked, which is a point he could get to, but it needs to be established first.

Personally I would like for there to be an opportunity, if Ian ever became bisexual, to choose whether or not we want to see Ian in MFM content or only MM content - I wouldn't want to be forced to share whatever guy Ian gets with with some girl simply for the sake of a bisexual threesome. I have nothing against MFM where it potentially makes sense -- like Ian/Lena/Axel -- but I wouldn't want MFM with a third character I might not care about simply for the sake of having a bisexual threesome, AND I wouldn't want it at the expense of MM. I'm more interested in the dynamic between two men in a bisexual relationship, and all the good and bad that comes with a well-written, well developed story route; in the same way that some players restrict bisexual Lena to just FF interactions - it doesn't make her lesbian, but it's just what they prefer to see.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
But it is hinted at as you have the choice, multiple times, to masturbate thinking about women or to focus on them. When Ian gets Jeremy's pics, there's no option for Ian to hyper focus on his dick and fantasize about it. Or for him to fantasize about any other male. So, in the way Eva has written his character, there's no concrete reason to say Ian is gay or bi
There is a concrete way of saying Ian isn't gay - the fact that he can and does fuck women. If he was gay there would be, at the very least, some serious reluctance there (even if he was trying to convince himself he wasn't gay by fucking women). The case is still open for bisexuality - I mean, not technically since we know Eva's stance, but.. creatively?
And the case for Ian not having a choice to focus on Jeremy's dick could be down to the simple fact that it's Jeremy, and he doesn't want to look at his friend's dick. I don't think it's that abnormal not to want to look at your friend's genitals, even if they are of the gender you feel sexually attracted to. But seriously, we know the reason why the option isn't in there, it just doesn't mean it can't be added. There hasn't been any definitive proof that Ian wouldn't consider any dicks, yet. :p


Aug 28, 2017
i see a lot of essays here just for the question of if cuck content can be integrated into ORS or not. and even though i very much liked BloodyMares essay, i think this can be narrowed down very easily:
in the last update if you started a relationship between Ian and Lena, the game continued in two ways. either your Ian fooled around with Holly, or your Ian didn't. whatever you did it had a huge impact on the relationship between Ian and Lena, yet it actually just changed a couple of dialogues and altered how some scenes proceeded. the huge impact happens with you as you read and get a different feel for the situation. it is the same with any new content that gonna get included into the game, in the future. it doesn't have to be cuck stuff, it can be anything else also. it's gonna be implemented in the same kind of fashion, like everything else already is. cuck stuff or any other kink won't need an integral structural change to work for the game.

actually herrzimm1, ORS is the perfect game to include cuck related stuff into later iterations of the game, as it has branching choices and it is recursive in it's story (the branching doesn't hurt the flow of the main story-line). especially since the story revolves around two different people, who both at the start got out of an relationship based on trust issues.
i'm not saying i want cuck in ORS, i'm just saying it's easily possible.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2018
I mean… Jeremy’s cock takes up like 75% of the screen. It’s sort of hard to not focus on it, isn’t it? :LOL:
- You enjoyed the photos, bro? Shit was wild. I can send you some more if you like.
- Nah, that's okay.
- Allison and I were talking about sending her some pictures...
- Wait, you told her? Are you crazy?
- Dude, chill. It wouldn't have been fair if I hadn't ask for her permission.
- Fuck!
- It's okay bro, relax. We're all friends. Allison loves you, you know that.
- Mmh. What did she say exactly?
- "Stroke Ian's cock and we're even"
- No, I mean...what the hell!? Are you joking?

one joint and 30 minutes later

- Lay down, let me hold the phone like this...
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John Doe Jr.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
it just doesn't mean it can't be added
Like I said in my other comment, it could be added in a sort of dlc. But imo, it would have to be a different npc made. To me there's just no gay tendencies between Jeremy and Ian. Or, if you would prefer that there is on Ian's side of things there surely isn't on Jeremy's. From what we know about Jeremy's character, he wouldn't even entertain the idea of fucking another dude let alone a close male friend. His MO is all about fucking chicks and sharing the "conquest" to his friend. Personally though, outside of analyzing characters, I wouldn't care if a gay route were made


Aug 28, 2017
Why are we still harping on this? EvaKiss have said she won't write gay/sissy/trans characters for ORS, that's really it folks, as much as some people here would like such content, it won't happen. To quote EvaKiss herself
I feel I couldn't properly portray a trans/sissy/gay route for Ian, since that's not really my thing and I don't have experience with that. I'll better leave that to other games that are dedicated especially to that. "
I take that as an "I don't want to write a gay storyline for Ian". This far into the game I feel a sudden swap in the character's sexuality would break their characters, secondly, I don't think ORS can take much more pairings and added storylines before it becomes an undoable monster project. At least we'd have to wait until some of the current arches are closed before adding more. Thirdly, We need to start respecting the author more and let her tell the story she had in mind.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
I think you are missing the point. It isn't that I am against "cuck content" in the proper formatted game available. But Eva has created a game format where such material simply will not work properly without either undergoing a massive rewrite of existing content, or basically wasting a ton of time and effort.

Here's the problem that needs to be addressed:
In ORS, you have 2 sides going on at any one given time. You want to put "cuck content" into the game, you will have to cover it from BOTH sides if you are attempting to have any 'cuck content' involving Ian and Lena. Someone will HAVE to bring up the topic at some point, and the other side will HAVE to react/consider "cuck content" worth exploring or not.

Now, here is where it gets tricky. Ian wants it, but Lena "considers" it but then refuses. So, what happens to the Ian side of the story? Does he 'go away skulking" because he can't get his 'cuck content' or pretend that the whole thing never came up and continues on his way? You see where the 'wasted time and effort' comes into the equation? And I'm not talking simply wasting time and effort as a player, but for Eva who would have to literally stop the ENTIRE project just for this one moment of 'fetish content' that has vast outcome results without moving forward on the actual original story. It would bog Eva down with focusing time/effort on "side content" with little or no time available for "main content". And that is for simply ONE of several possible "cuck content" possibilities.

Even if we switch it up where it is Robert/Lena involved, then we will need to focus time/effort on figuring out which of the other side characters who would be the 'bull' in the situation. Meaning yet another massive time/effort for Eva to create content character by character in regards to options available. Would it be Ian, at which point there is additional time/effort needed by Eva to work on Ian's side as the Bull. Jeremy, Axel, Mike and Stan would all need to take "time out" to properly handle the situation. I mean, Axel and Mike might just go along with it just 'for the hell of it'. But what about Jeremy's possible relationship with roommate or best friend? Both of those will have to be considered, and then addressed if either one finds out about it. And what about Stan, the roommate? Well, now you need to focus on additional 'relationship building' to get to that level and THEN consider the reaction afterward. And would Robert even be comfortable with Stan getting involved when you can easily see Robert thinking himself as 'dominate' over Stan and that Stan isn't worthy all along. Not to mention the already established uncomfortable relationship with Robert and Axel that would have to be addressed and THEN somehow "concluded" enough to access "cuck content" between those two characters.

And hell, that isn't even BEGINNING to consider the amount of time/effort on Eva's part to work out how Ian would react and how that reaction would alter the already planned Ian-based content lined up. I mean, is Ian going to be "okay" with Jeremy being the 'bull' in a "cuck content" type situation when Ian himself is attempting to get with Lena? Or will Ian now become 'angry with Jeremy" and kind of ruin a built up relationship that may have already taken place between the two of them?

Can you see the core complaint that I am really trying to get to at this point? If TLDR:
Our Red String simply is NOT formatted properly as a game concept to work in "cuck content" at this point. It is FAR too late in development to bring it up, and it simply will not work properly. So, please stop advocating for it in this project. Move on to something LESS developed so that the "cuck content" suggestion CAN be properly implemented. Or to a different game format where it makes more sense playing only ONE MC who controls the story moving forward.

It will not work in Our Red String. But it CAN be worked into something like A Mother And Wife at this point. Or even Glamour, or Fashion Business. There are plenty of OTHER options available where "cuck content" can be suggested and properly worked into future updates.
Did a TLDR speed-read, since the convo's not that important to me. But: This is all your opinion, including arbitrary definitions for what certain types of content/fetishes/ect are supposed to entail and how you believe a fetish would/would not be able to be incorporated. Most of these definitions/parameters are just made up by people online on the fly + forum members are just saying what they like/don't like (as people do in a forum) and you're giving some strange plea for them to stop because you're the expert on how things should/shouldn't be done.

TLDR: I don't care. It's a forum.

PS. Not "advocating" for it, but the path ramp-up is already in the game. Ian's already whacking to Jeremy screwing some of his crushes. Jeremy's already plowing Lena (including a Lena Ian is seriously dating), depending on your path. Lena's already able to pick up a Jeremy-size/color dildo for her stalkerfap content... which Ian has covert access to for his special alone time. I'd personally prefer it be with a character other than Jeremy, but it is what it is. And it's one freakin path out of many. Easily skippable.

This is just a case of you wanting/not wanting something in the game, for whatever reason, and pushing for everyone to agree with you on it or to be quiet if they don't.
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Jun 11, 2020
Why do you think that a particular kink needs to be equally applied to ALL and ANY characters? Clearly, some character types are "locked into" scenarios that only their path unlocks.

And that is exactly why I am advocating against the "cuck content" being added into Our Red String AT THIS POINT!

If it had been advocated for sooner, say around the 3rd-4th update, I would have been fine with it. Especially when you consider that several characters had either not been introduced, or their general overall personality types hadn't been fully ironed out as much as they are now.

Back then, you had far more "wiggle room" in order to figure out which characters it would work for the best, as well as figure at least 2-3 different methods of obtaining that 'end-goal result' being spread out over another 2-3 updates. As well as having enough time to establish which characters such content will NOT be appropriate for, and establish those "block offs" over 2-3 updates.

So, going around the concept of 3rd update, with an additional 2-3 to iron out pathways, that would bring us up to 5-6 total versions where 'cuck content' pathways would have been clearly designated in some way. Personality matches with enough time to build relationships, options to establish the 'cucked male' and 'bull male', even possibility of "cuck-queen content' so that the entire concept is Lena's to explore and enjoy as well.

But that is all based on reaching version 6 at MOST! We are now ON version 8, about to see what version 9 brings us and the current level of advocating for 'cuck content' makes zero sense.

Not because the general concept of 'cuck content' could not, or would not, work as a concept in general. But because it is now basically impossible to properly apply now that we KNOW the general personality types, the relationship pathways AND the overall game design of playing 2 sides at once. It is simply NOT in the best interest of Our Red String as an overall project, to bring in this type of content AT THIS POINT IN TIME. It is like someone having a grilled cheese sandwich and someone suddenly demanding that you toss some tuna-salad between the slices of bread AS you are putting the sandwich itself together. It simply does not WORK as an idea at this point.

And I'm not against 'cuck content' when it is properly handled. It can be rather entertaining to play in the proper format. And for me, on a personal level, it is far more entertaining to play out when the MC is female-only. I don't like it when playing a Male-MC, but can at least be entertained by it with Female-MC formats.

However, be it a good or bad concept in general, still doesn't matter in this particular game format. By playing both sides, it opens up the undeniable issue of having to be 'content repetitive' if I have to play one side bringing up to the topic, then the other side considering it. Especially when I know that by doing so, I am willingly going to then cut off content from BOTH sides of the game down the road. It bogs down the creative process for Eva, and it diminishes the enjoyment as a player.

And again, not because 'cuck content' doesn't work as a game element, in and of itself. It is because there is a point in a game's progress where adding additional content DOES mean actually wasting time/effort on the creative side and player side.

A perfect example of this would be to attempt to make the older sister in Girl's Life as a main player option. It is far too late to do that for the MAIN game design. You can make it work AS A MOD, but even then is the project WORTH the time/effort to include it in a mod when it may only entail maybe a single game-year?

TLDR: There is a time and a place. And at this time, it is too late. And since it is too late, it really has no place to be considered worth pursuing as a "main addition".
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Jul 6, 2021
Did a TLDR speed-read, since the convo's not that important to me. But: This is all your opinion, including arbitrary definitions for what certain types of content/fetishes/ect are supposed to entail and how you believe a fetish would/would not be able to be incorporated. Most of these definitions/parameters are just made up by people online on the fly + forum members are just saying what they like/don't like (as people do in a forum) and you're giving some strange plea for them to stop because you're the expert on how things should/shouldn't be done.

TLDR: I don't care. It's a forum.

PS. Not "advocating" for it, but the path ramp-up is already in the game. Ian's already whacking to Jeremy screwing some of his crushes. Jeremy's already plowing Lena (including a Lena Ian is seriously dating), depending on your path. Lena's already able to pick up a Jeremy-size/color dildo for her stalkerfap content... which Ian has covert access to for his special alone time. I'd personally prefer it be with a character other than Jeremy, but it is what it is. And it's one freakin path out of many. Easily skippable.

This is just a case of you wanting/not wanting something in the game, for whatever reason, and pushing for everyone to agree with you on it or to be quiet if they don't.

In none of my saves is Jeremy fucking Lena, including ones where Ian isn't either. Usually he's fucking Allison (unless Ian is) and Lena's apartment mate, unless she told her about him (In which case they have lesbian action.)
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