Alright finally got through the entire game again, had not played the remaster so had to relearn a lot of the game to minmax stuff.
First off quick feedback on things I think are bugs:
-I think there are a couple "off by one" errors in some events, getting the best result against Jeremy when sparring is impossible if you had Ian train Jiu-jitsu. Even if you focused on getting as much training as possible you will be 1 point short of successfuly grappling him.
-I also think the relationship requirement to trigger Ian's wrestling scene with Ivy is 1 point higher than intended. Currently the only way of unlocking that scene is if Ian was dating Lena and then was upfront and confessed it to Axel in chapter 7, which feels kinda restrictive. Also, the thing is that even in the scene where Ian has the opportunity to confess to Axel, the game also has another impossible Ian_Ivy check that is off by one, so I think either the base Ian_Ivy value should be 1 point higher or one opportunity to gain a point with Ivy is missing.
-Did the threesome with Alison and Jeremy as an Ian that has remained just friends with Alison, aside from some weird visual duplication scenes when the scene first started, Alison also chastised Ian for cumming inside her "again", despite them never having sex before in that playthrough.
-Chatting with Stan as Ian during the chapter 10 concert causes a small glitch due to a variable typo, no big deal but might as well include it here.
Now for some random thoughts on the game's rework + chapter 10: