The Ivy example is a fair point, though I never thought of her as Lena's bestie, shes just the party-girl friend; Louise is the bestie, but i guess it depends how you play it. I wouldnt call Lena "losing her shit" around Axel, rather just storyboarding for reluctance to go back for the "bad boy" - and when it comes to him being jealous, notice her emotions are always fear or anger, but never repulsion. Agreed on Cindy and Louise.
Agreed on Robert, I'll change what I said in that he's certainly dynamic.
On Jeremy/Axel, I simply don't agree. Jeremy is as token as you can get. (well, maybe thats not fair given how many awful ntr-bbc fetish games there are lol), still, he's brutish from the start - he's written to be immediately unlikeable when he just wails on Ian during boxing training.
Or maybe here's a different way I could try and get you to see it; other than the shaggy sing-a-long (though making fun of a guy for being too much of a player is kinda a joking gentle jab), when is Jeremy ever humiliated? When is Axel ever humilated? Ian has loads of scenes with potential humilation given the wrong choices.
Jeremy just doesn't strike me as breaking stereotypes. Breaking stereotypes is like the black guy in "A Happy Marriage" who's a software ceo and secretly loves femdom. There's nothing inherently wrong with having characters act a certain way, these are porn games, ppl can like what they like, but if you can't see this dev has a huge interracial/alpha-bully-guy fetish, and writes the characters accordingly, you're not seeing the forest for the trees.