I take TWO DAYS OFF... Two days where I just logged out of F95... And those are the days where the drama happens

People already called you out personally, but Im gonna reply yto you from a different angle:
First of all, I dont see this game as a "porn game"... If I wanted a strictly "porn game", there would be way better options to jerk off to than this game. Even though lately this game has taken more of a "corruption" path, its still not the best option for a "porn game".
Second of all, do you know why I spend most of my time here in F95 and mostly post here on this thread?
Because in this thread people can say their own opinions, their own worries about the game, we discuss what the dev says and here we can actually criticize both the game and the dev of this game when some things "werent done right" or "reworked because of patreons" or "this is turning into GGGB 2.0" AND we make a debate out of it with everyone chipping in with their own take on it
If you want a thread that only kisses the devs ass, where everyone who says even the smallest bit of criticism gets labelled a "troll" or a "hater" or strictly gets put in the "ignore list", I can give you some examples of threads and users where you would fit right in with

It also baffles me that you would rather someone talk shit about the game in the review section where they can lower the rating of a game and hurt a game permanently, rather than people just saying things on the "discussion" section... Thats EXACTLY the type of behaviour that you shouldnt promote...