Cindy is materealistic, manipulative, needy and bitchy girl
I think you are just projecting over there. When she was out with Ian she was fun, sweet and nice. When they went to art exhibit she was genuinely interested in, attentive to Ian. Never shown what you said about her anymore than others.
By the power of being MC in a porn game you mean? Yeah, that's a possibility. But...
1) GGGB wasn't meant to be realistic. ORS is.
2) There is a chasm between Dave and Cindy. Dave was romantic and sensitive guy, who could cheat only when he was falling deeply in love with someone and, probably, only with Ashley. It was "be the love of my life or GTFO" situation. Cindy is materealistic, manipulative, needy and bitchy girl who can cheat with a photographer because he is "oh so sexy". For me to buy loyal Cindy path she needs to change her whole personality.
1) I am not sure this is whether or not dev's insight but it definitely is not the case. GGGB was not more unrealistic than ORS per se.
2) Although Dave and Cindy not being similar is true, I meant it was very unlikely to Dave end up with Ash but it made sense in the end when story came to that. I was saying for Ian and Cindy a loving loyal path could be possible down the road.
I don't think you are seeing it but Cindy is the only one who tries to revive their dead relationship with Wade. She does everything she can. Everyone including Ian says Wade changed too much, especially after he laid off. As far as we know he lives with unemployment benefits which is notoriously not good enough, that means their only source of income is Cindy. She take cares of him, pays for him, trying to push him forward etc. She is stingy I can agree with that but maybe because she is paying for 2? She acts annoying even bitchy towards Wade but can you really blame her for it? She did not sign up for that. When they started the relationship; Wade had a job, fitter, had hobbies, was going out etc. he does none of them anymore. Even after all of this, Cindy was trying to be supportive, trying to do things with him, trying to rekindle their relationship and each time Wade, usually through Perry, fucks it all up.
Now, cheating is wrong I agree with that. What they did was horrible in that way. I also agree, if it's lust path not the love one Cindy is gonna get railed by Axel and probably a few more. Though, in love path if Cindy stays as loyal as to Wade, then they will have happily ever after ending together. It is not out of her character, she does need to change anything in personality-wise.
3)We do not know she slept with Axel, only speculations but if you are gonna blame her through how he acts around Axel you need to blame every other girl in the game too, in addition Perry. Do you remember what Perry said about Axel first he saw him? Do you remember Emma in the same scene? Is that mean they will fuck Axel at the first possible occasion? Also Ian was the ultimate decision maker whether or not Cindy got naked in the photoshoot. She always waits Ian's approval and whenever he gave it, she became happier.
So all in all, Cindy is a deeper character than you think and she can be loyal, loving, supportive girlfriend too. If you are expecting unwavering, unconditional, unlimited loyalty and love without giving anything back, then you are delusional. She did what she could with Wade; if she can get the fun, respect and love from Ian she won't(well should not, if EK won't insist on cuckfest) cheat on Ian.