I'm in need of some opinions. I recently joked about how one would go about making Ian a himbo, and I went through and made a save where he didn't pick any intelligence experience choices, failed writing his book and publishing choices, and has mostly focused on going to the gym. It worked out better than I was honestly expecting as both he and Lena are intelligent and capable people, and don't have the innocent naivety that Ash had in GGGB. He's been mostly affable and charming, but not outright horny all the time. But I'm honestly struggling with how to make Lena a bimbo.
Obviously same restriction on intelligence choices, but what major decisions does she need to make?
I don't exactly want her to just be taking all the slutty options, just like Ian didn't take all the chad options, so what are her best bimbo choices? I guess the result I'm envisioning is Ian and Lena being a very friendly, but insipid vapid couple. So obviously not much a of song writer for Lena, but should that extend to her dance classes? Shame that the dance classes are tied directly to her fitness level.
I don't think I want her getting involved with Seymour, sorry
Andrea9999, but I could be talked into it if a compelling enough case is presented. Similarly, I think she'll do StalkFap, but maybe not all the lusty options

It's hard to say, and I honestly feel like I'm missing something obvious, because turning Lena into a psuedo bimbo and not an out and out slut seems way harder than turning Ian into a psuedo himbo.