Of the three he listed, only Cherry is a cheater, and it's... Kind of vague.Technically, Lena is only a cheater if you as the player make her act this way. She can be fully faithful in exclusive relationship if you so choose. But as far as the others go, yeah.
Lena is only a cheater I'd the player chooses for her to be a cheater.
Cindy is a cheater only if the player (as Ian) chooses to cheat with her, or doesn't do anything to help Wade and Cindy's relationship. Even if Ian doesn't get involved in the Cindy/Wade drama it's still unclear that she is cheating on Wade. All we have is a picture of a hand on a butt. Which isn't great optics, but not confirmed she's cheating.
And Cherry admits to ruining Lena and Axel's relationship. But it sounds like their threesome might have happened first and then there is some ambiguity on if Cherry actually knew how much damage that caused to Lena. Like she knew they were in a relationship, but maybe didn't know what kind of a relationship it was or if Lena was OK with Cherry and Axel getting together without Lena involved. That part of their past is still somewhat shrouded in mystery.