So, scratch that, i should've checked the rest of the script. Those conditions in the mod trigger the date ending early.
PilotLara this may be a bug:
if holly_trinity == 2 or lena_holly_dating or (ian_lena_pure and ian_lena_3some == False) or (ian_lena_couple and ian_lena_open != "lena" and ian_lena_open != "ian"):
jump v13emmadateend
for "pure" Lena/Ian who meet "their" part of the conditions (Lena has agreed to having 3some in a future) the game will still abort Emma date early, because that Lena/Ian arrangement will trigger the next failure test in that line (
ian_lena_couple and ian_lena_open != "lena" and ian_lena_open != "ian"
) since they are also technically
but haven't opened their relationship since they didn't experience any crisis.
That last
block should include check for
and ian_lena_pure == False
, so the pure pair doesn't get included and subsequently kicked out here, if they've passed their own part of the check.
edit: and likely a minor bug in earlier chapter that slipped through:
"It's... uncomfortable":
if v12_lena_sunscreen == "wade":
if ian_wits > 10:
call xp_up ('wits') from _call_xp_up_1108
"I don't like it":
if v12_lena_sunscreen == "wade":
if ian_wits > 10:
call xp_up ('wits') from _call_xp_up_1109
These checks should probably be for
ian_wits < 10
since it both makes little sense to only reward Ian with wits of 11+ but it also doesn't safeguard against breaking the 12 point limit.
edit2: one more minor bug in 12c
i "Please, forgive me, Ian..."
should be
l "Please, forgive me, Ian..."
because it's Lena, not Ian, asking for forgiveness there.
edit3: aaand one more small inconsistency: if Ian and Lena breakup in CH.12, in Ch.13 Lena's agenda screen still has heart icon for Ian instead of broken heart one. And if Holly Trinity is activated in Ch.12 then Lena who's been friend with Holly still has friend icon for Holly in her agenda, instead of heart one.