Nah, we are being tame in our judgement here, specially me.
Some of us here have been here since the very first iteration of this game. Hell, some of us even supported this game finacially, self included. Many hoped that this game would turn out to be something other than a fancied up iteration of GGGB. Myself? I had two things in mind: Naturally Ian and Ivy, but also I was curious on how EK would grow going from GGGB into this one.
For the first year and a half or so, things looked promising. Story did have some bumps but there was some measure of ground work laid that could have been built on. At the same time: There wasn't a months apart meeting from Lena ala the Prologue, Ian and Axel could be semi buddy with each other, and Ivy and Ian had some measure of a flirty exchange in the first iteration.
Similiarly when asked about Ian and Ivy, EK said and claimed that they were on the back burner and she was trying to figure how to incorperate them. This was in year two. Sure, that makes some sense, being around Chapter 6 or so.
Then came the first rework. Wade. Now, originally, Wade had a job yet was not putting in enough effort in the relationship with Cinders. Also, Ian and Ivy's flirty moment was changed to her giving him a peck on the cheek. Outside of that nothing changed. Story remained the same yet there was more of a different tone of things. Not longer were we getting more story being progressed and we saw more and more panderment to kinks. More sex, less story. Sure, some could say thats a good thing. Others would argue differently. Me, I see it as a problem. At the time there were some kinks here and there, scattered among the chapters, which is well and fine. But since Chapter 6 there has been more and more showings of more and more kinks and fetishs. Not really a great sign, esspecially when EK herself said she didn't want to ORS to turn into another GGGB. Also... and here is a kicker: She said that she WASN'T GOING TO ADD ANYMORE CHARACTERS TO THE STORY SINCE THE CAST WAS ALREADY BOLSTEROUS AS IS.
What do we get? Cameo Jack for a one off scene and possible romance with Lena, Shopclerk Gal likely going to hook up with Lena at some time, Mark, Marcel, fucking Arthur from GGGB, among others, ALL FOR LENA. Ian though? Path pending scene with Bad Girl Jess and a one time meet and greet with Natalie.
And of course we can't forget the illustrious STAN UPDATE in year three. An update that not only didn't change or add anything to Stan's character, but also changed the prologue to a pointless months away remeet and greet with Lena and made Ian think he was a creepy stalker, as well as change the possible buddy ship with Axel to spending more time with your dumbass friend Jeremy and removed the peck on the cheek with Ivy into a normal, boring encounter. And instead of advancing on from the story side on both, its been a slog of Lena being able to fuck anyone without any consequence and Ian getting possibly punished if he does anything, while slamming in more kink and fetish content because EK lives in a constant echo chamber filled of sycophants that want their kinks catered too over and over again.
I stopped my support of this game just after Wade's update because I had a feeling this was how it was going to be and of course I was right. To have such hopes for this game only to be met with disregard and a sharp change of direction, all because of the risk of "losing" her supports in not catering to their very kink it to be quite frank, disappointing and very frustrating. I'm not alone in this venture, though I am certainly the most vocal in my disappointment. The thing with being critical of developers is that some tend surround themselves with yescunts and live in their safe little space of an echo chamber, thinking they can cater and appease everyone but end up failing to such ventures, all because they listen too much to the supporters and their requests over and over again for certain content which is already overly pandered to. As a result, their own game suffers, despite their best efforts to try and "balance" things. And as a result, here we are.
Now, if you will excuse me...
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Leave me alone to die...