I'm hoping for Holly to be able to be corrupted in a romantic-kindof way, like an scenario where she doesn't give up and feels that she has to step up her game to be able to be with either Lena or Ian (I'm going for both). So she will be discovering herself playing kinkier and kinkier to catch up with at this point Lena (Which seems to be the kinkier between her and Ian, which seems, by the writing if you choose, seems to be a dissonance between his usual self and the sex scenes, that feels that he is discovering other sides of himself sexually).
I kind of see the ember of a passion to not be invisible when she accepts to go to the gym, and all those variables about Holly and a future change, and i hope for that route to go deeper in both ways of corruption; but i'm truly hoping for the competitive route to match with the ramp up that Lena and Ian have going on and be the one kinky and chased instead.
For Cindy i dont hold my hopes high because... for me it seems that most of the people like Cindy for the chase, the chemistry between her and Ian feels natural so it needs a good catalyst to keep the interest going on for me, or after the big bang it could end to be samey too soon. I want that catalyst to be a burst of passion that spiral deep into a hole of depravity... dunno, i think Cindy needs more interaction with other NPCs to open more windows for her with or without Ian.
Wade has to go one of the two routes, Cuck wade... or changing to his old womanizer self and try to steal other Ian's interest like Lena to make the Cindy scenario more appealing.
Overall... the game needs another male characters with NO evident flaw like Ian to be appealing for Lena (And be a true male romantic competition, we had too many sexual competitors and most of them are cheaters, liers, blackmailers, or just disgusting). A Dave-esque type of character but obviously different because we have too many things of Dave in Ian.
I love that Lena has so many options in the game, while only lacking what i said, a good male option (for a rom path i mean) besides Ian with no VISIBLE/OBVIOUS flaw.
I love where Louse x Lena is going, i love all the options that she will have in a depraved path with Ivy... Holly, i think Emma will fool with Lena in some path due to their interest un music and the few variables in the game.. i mean, Lena has the whole female cast besides the male cast to choose so the opportunites are endless.
Ivy for sure will have action with Lena but with Ian i just want the opposite of what i read.
She has some kind of moral compass that fits well with Ian and Lena, but she doesn't acts like a Judge (Like she seems to despise that Jeremy is a cheater, she is surprised by Lena's cheating but she doesn't condemn her even if she doesn't like it. I still think that facade will fall because the writing will make her be/or be with a cheater... in some paths).
With Ian i hold hopes for an scenario where Ivy and Ian match in a way that Ivy drags him to her world, because that's what she seems to be, is her way or the highway. Ian will discover more of himself and in then things develop in a way that she got more and more attached to the point that she doesn't recognize herself, and be surprised that he could be the one.
That's some of my hopes, because all the other usual corruption, sharing, cucking and all that jazz i have no doubt that we will see. But i kind of feel that Eva could pull other kind of narratives and for sure she will surprise us.
I kind of see the ember of a passion to not be invisible when she accepts to go to the gym, and all those variables about Holly and a future change, and i hope for that route to go deeper in both ways of corruption; but i'm truly hoping for the competitive route to match with the ramp up that Lena and Ian have going on and be the one kinky and chased instead.
For Cindy i dont hold my hopes high because... for me it seems that most of the people like Cindy for the chase, the chemistry between her and Ian feels natural so it needs a good catalyst to keep the interest going on for me, or after the big bang it could end to be samey too soon. I want that catalyst to be a burst of passion that spiral deep into a hole of depravity... dunno, i think Cindy needs more interaction with other NPCs to open more windows for her with or without Ian.
Wade has to go one of the two routes, Cuck wade... or changing to his old womanizer self and try to steal other Ian's interest like Lena to make the Cindy scenario more appealing.
Overall... the game needs another male characters with NO evident flaw like Ian to be appealing for Lena (And be a true male romantic competition, we had too many sexual competitors and most of them are cheaters, liers, blackmailers, or just disgusting). A Dave-esque type of character but obviously different because we have too many things of Dave in Ian.
I love that Lena has so many options in the game, while only lacking what i said, a good male option (for a rom path i mean) besides Ian with no VISIBLE/OBVIOUS flaw.
I love where Louse x Lena is going, i love all the options that she will have in a depraved path with Ivy... Holly, i think Emma will fool with Lena in some path due to their interest un music and the few variables in the game.. i mean, Lena has the whole female cast besides the male cast to choose so the opportunites are endless.
Ivy for sure will have action with Lena but with Ian i just want the opposite of what i read.
She has some kind of moral compass that fits well with Ian and Lena, but she doesn't acts like a Judge (Like she seems to despise that Jeremy is a cheater, she is surprised by Lena's cheating but she doesn't condemn her even if she doesn't like it. I still think that facade will fall because the writing will make her be/or be with a cheater... in some paths).
With Ian i hold hopes for an scenario where Ivy and Ian match in a way that Ivy drags him to her world, because that's what she seems to be, is her way or the highway. Ian will discover more of himself and in then things develop in a way that she got more and more attached to the point that she doesn't recognize herself, and be surprised that he could be the one.
That's some of my hopes, because all the other usual corruption, sharing, cucking and all that jazz i have no doubt that we will see. But i kind of feel that Eva could pull other kind of narratives and for sure she will surprise us.
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