the old dude with blue eyes (forgot the name) remember me ethan from good girl gone bad. old fart fancy pants talking crap to look superior, but in the end, is just a perv with all that crap of rabbit hole. And the worst, in the popularity pool he got silver. why? how? bah
I don't really see them as completely the same Ethan is a man that seperates his sexual escapades completely from his professional life, Ashley doesn't find out about them until she gets too close.
Seymor seems more like the typical rich guy where he has some sort of complex with having to master everything in life, art for example, but also women that he deem as worthy of his time. If Lena shows very little interest in him he is rather cold but if she challenges him actively he finds her entertaining and wishes to possess her.
I've never had any particular attraction towards older men, but other women that do usually talk about their confidence and maturity. I have no idea what kind of interest the male user base might have, maybe it's just about power? Seymor is the ultimate position you could obtain in modern society, free to pursue whatever he wants?