Well, for whatever it is worth, she's not really stuck having bland sex with Ian, depending on player choice, their Chapter 7 scene can have an Ian that is more agressive and virile, to the point where Lena might react to it by thinking it was some of the best sex she's had in her life.
I think Lena will always have a bit of an appreciation for being taken during sex, but there's nothing stopping Ian from rising to that in bed. Is he ever going to be better than Axel in that department? Maybe by the endgame, but maybe he also doesn't need to be, Lena might have a kink for being submissive to a virile male, but she also doesn't want a partner that is gonna hurt her like Axel did, so maybe Ian being at most an "axel-lite" in bed but also being a very good partner in things besides sex will be enough for her.
I never said that her sex with Ian is bland, though. My point was that, relative to her sex with others thus far — namely Mike, as well as her last scenes with Robert and Louise — her sexual nature with the aforesaid characters is more licentious, shameless, debauched; call it what you will. With these characters, it comes across as sex being more tension-heavy than chemistry-based, if that makes sense. She has more in common with Ian, suggesting that a possible romance is greater, but she can “give in” to any of her darker desires with the others, without the pressure of needing to adhere to any binding social norms, indicating that it’s perhaps what she needs to navigate her way through any unresolved feelings, thoughts or memories with Axel. This last point is why I think, from literary and psychology points of view, that it makes sense if Lena explores and enjoys this other, more personal and intimate side of herself before deciding on any serious relationship with Ian, or anyone else in the story. It would just add a sense of realism to the plot.
I actually think the story, with all of the different routes, is really well written. And I’d say that the Ian-Lena route speaks to a wider, societal topic. At least in the developed world, we still tend to stereotype people negatively for any kinks, fetishes or lifestyles they dare to reveal to their partners and close social circles. It’s shaky ground, I’d imagine, for many people to reveal a part of themselves that could result in shame, derision or losing another person’s respect. So, I guess, for many, it’s easier to explore those desires and needs with strangers and people for whom any respect is little to non-existent. We get this in the game, which I believe is an accurate reflection. For Lena, it’d be Mike and Robert, respectively. On a route where she dates multiple characters, including Ian, there’s more to lose with Ian, so she’s more measured and tactful.