Does anyone know which would be the most optimal way to create different save points to differentiate between routes? I used to have a method in which i would save all the decissions of an specific route until the end of chapter (e.g save all the decisions of ian + lena and cindy) and after that start the same process but for different route (ian + lena and holly) However, after the last update it became really messy and im no longer sure which saves are from which route x.x) i would appreciate any help/tips
You can name the save pages however you want. I usually name them like this: "Canon", "Lena Singer (Lou, Rob) / Ian Writer (Al, Hol)", "Ian MMA (Chad) + Lena Model (Slut)", etc. And each page dedicated to a separate chapter + path.
So it looks like this:
Page 1 | Ch1 | Canon
Page 2 | Ch1| Lena Singer (Lou, Rob) / Ian Writer (Al, Hol)
Page 3 | Ch1 | Ian MMA (Chad) + Lena Model (Slut)
Page 4 | Ch2 | Canon
I used to save at the start of each day, but now I only do that for days where you make decisions that can diverge the story. If I can quickly Ctrl through a linear day, then I ignore it. With the Gallery mode coming, I don't recommend saving before sex scenes either, since it would be a waste of a save slot.
Additionally, I also started backing up my saves manually to build a collection of saves for testing. Each save file has a corresponding txt file with all of the active variables just so I could pick and choose which one I need to test a particular scene or a route.
Now that I think about it, this game could really benefit from a save editor where you could set up the variables, set the values for stats, etc. While you can somewhat do that with Debug Mode, the game doesn't differentiate between different paths, you have to do that yourself. If you enable all the variables, it would be chaos and the game would no doubt break. Having a smart Save Editor tool that doesn't allow you to activate conflicting variables would be very useful. I wish I knew how to code one, because I know which combination of choices can exist at the same time, and which ones conflict with one another. If it's possible to do for Renpy games, and someone knows how to and wants to code such a tool, I'm willing to provide my expertise and help differentiate between conflicting paths/variable combinations.