Yet another evakiss project in which I care a lot more about how plot moves forward then I do about the art and erotica in it.
This time around, the character I am most curious about how they will evolve is Perry and Alison. One suffers from the millennial man-child syndrome, and the other is suffering from millennial career block syndrome, and seemingly without avenues to grow.
As for some of the comments in this thread, I find it very interesting that people attach labels that dont match those characters. Calling Ian a simp loser, for example, is a baffling one, story portrays a man trying to both claw thru his career and move past a trauma. He is what people in literature would call a tortured hero. The only reason if anyone is calling him a simp loser is if they are projecting themselves on him.
And that is present on a multitude of characters. Sure, on the surface, Cindy is a prospective hotwife, or Alison a hungry slut, but that'd be denigrating to the writers of this story who has put in work in giving them dimensions and stories and reasons to be the way they are.
The only one in this story, so far, that lacks a 2nd dimension, is Jeremy. He's so far a one track mind without any sort redemption prospects, nor the willingness to. Hell, even Cherry, who made a half chapter appearance, was given more dimension than him. (And Jeremy veers a bit too close to the playa-stereotype of a young black man, which is slightly problematic, but I am more than willing to give writers my trust in handling him in future chapters)
Now that's a very interesting analysis. About the characters you mention :
- I agree about Perry : we finally learn that is a crush on Emma, is the mayor's son... Whether we like him or not, he has some depth and that's good
- Before chapter 5, I would have disagreed with you about Alison : during 4 chapters, almost nothing happens with her. You just learn that she's in a carreer block as you said, that she does not want to settle down (which hides the fact that she has a huge childhood crush on Ian) and that's all. The sextape event in chapter 5 was just the thing I needed to renew my interest in her.
- Ian (and Lena) : they have way more depth than it seems. They are both at the beginning of their lives and are facing the problems every young adult in their situation could have to handle.
- Emma and Cherry : once again there is more to them than meets the eyes. And it's obvious that EvaKiss has more in store for both of them.
- Cindy : the photoshoot shows a different side of her personality and gives her depth. Even though in my opinion she remains a 10-year old child who thinks that the world revolves around her.
- Jeremy : nothing more to say. So far, he's just digging his own grave and will probably continue to brag his way through problems without having the courage of facing the consequences. But of course there's gonna be more with him
A last word for Holly who is super cute and has really good potential for the upcoming chapters and Louise, whose possessive side (we understand she'll do anything to have Lena keep her) might prove troublesome for Lena (or good if Lena manipulates her well

So far, apart from Ian and Lena, I think Ivy is the best written character (much better than Jessica was in GGGB), and the fact that during 5 chapters, we didn't see her having sex with anyone makes her even more attractive.
And to conclude, apart from all this, I entirely trust EvaKiss to bring us the most interesting endings, from the best to the most dark and perverted ones.