What was nice in this game - it was the agency.
Lena gets hit on hard, she can either give in or not.
Ian starts off as a conversation, not with full on hitting comments.
No we can't. I don't give a damn about most of Lena's options so in my main playthrough she hasn't even had sex yet.
She can also not steal her, stealing her would imply that she belongs to Ian, which she doesn't. If you play Ian as uninterested in Holly there is nothing to steal.
Your comment made me happy, because I felt Ian had a chance with her and on my 1st playthrough,
Lena and Ian got noone, because I felt I had to prottect Lena from all that coming on to her many boys did to her.
So I can relate to keeping her nice and tidy.
Ian having descovered Lena in the caffe and her opening up to his interests, I felt it would be them 2 in the game.
I was sorely mistaken, Lena had to fend of scores of guys hitting on her, Ian was lost in the weeds.
Ian was then introduces to Holly, they talk a bit, then he takes her to the coffee and meets Lena.
Now that was a conundrum .. I just did not even get aware Lena was going 4 Holly until she lands the kiss.
That was a surprise, because she was not at all into her room mate, she was shy, she was getting hit on left and right
it just felt completely out of whack ... clicking with Ian and then all of a sudden Holly somewhat pops in.
It even kind of occured to me, maybe Lena was lez or smth, but she was still harassed all over.
So yeah... people do not own people, but some have it easier than others, Lena getting hit while Ian getting nil.