VN - Ren'Py - Our Secret: Price of the Forbidden Wishes [v0.2] [17MOONKEYS]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    (Review for v0.2)

    This is a little horror game with you and your aunt in a house on the country, and some strange things happening as it was to be expected.

    Both the MC and aunt are models from UFO. No sex to talk about yet, but the way the story goes it is clearly about to happen. Looking good so far, it's a simple game gearing towards having sex with your aunt in the next update.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It starts off strong. An intriguing premise, a decent horror setup, and then the writer gets bored and just makes it porn. Basically this game starts out like a slow-burn. You've got to seduce your mom and circumstances either help or hinder that. But then the second you kiss your mom for the first time, it's just straight to fucking.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First off, I have to thank this game for blending horror and arousal so effectively that it left me both terrified and turned on. It truly hosts some chilling supernatural events, though it's a short play. The adult content is sufficient for its length and features a classic incest storyline. I recommend it for a one-night fap session; the mix of horror will surely spice up your evening :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good pacing, story has enough for a VN of this length without dragging. Build up is good and character's don't act stupid and throw themselves at each other straight away. Disapointing you cannot find many other VNs these days that just do the basics right without adding in any needless bits that add nothing.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, this is actually a surprise for me to vote max score for a game here, but here we are!

    The story is short ended, but has a big potential in it. I believe if someone make it good this far he have all skills and chances to do it right!

    I like the spooke part. but it feels kinda week without more actions from doll. And interactions between aunt and MC is little bit lacking. They should stay at least one week in old house, making last preparations there before leaving (more suggestions in comment section). Anim's needed more animations and sounds, but despite this they are good in this state!

    Not much to say here, but i like it! Keep it up bro, you can do it!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    As with other games by the same developer, the quality is great. The renders are better than 99% of games out there.

    As with other games by the same developer, it's abandon-ware. They *really* like to start games that lead nowhere and then just abandon them on a cliffhanger less than 30 min in.

    Has some funny meta jokes. Pretty good atmosphere with all the SFX.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    this game has absolutely zero content it's a five minute fast forward game, incoherent. no attractive women at all. what were you thinking? this isn't a game. Come on man. games have choices this doesn't.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Perverted spirits help a son and mother become lovers, and that spooky doll from RE7 that sounds like Marine grants wishes.

    So short, but so good. 3D models were on point, the mom was nice and mature with some good classic "mommy" energy. The son knows what he wants, and is willing to enlist the help of some spirits (both alcoholic and non) in his pursuit to burry his salami inside mother dearest.

    Now the horror vibe is a little on the light side, but it's still pretty present. This isn't a Resident Evil style blood and gore, but something more akin to Silent Hill but without any of the obvious monsters. It's creepy, and that's the best kind of horror in my opinion.

    A darn shame this ended up in the Oh Hold shelf, where many a good start have landed and never saw the light of progression again.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Our Secret [Complete] - Spoilers/Summary

    Too bad. This VN was a short read, but it showed a lot of promise. The story is that you and your "step-aunt" are out to take photos of an old, family home when a storm hits. Panic ensues as the aunt worries about potential boonies lunatics breaking-and-entering, so it's up to you to comfort her. How? By wishing upon a creepy doll so that your aunt will fuck you.

    The horror elements of this game are actually surprisingly well done, hence the 2 stars. Unfortunately, the rest of it is little more than a tech demo. There's one scene where you please your aunt with a dildo, then you both return to your mother's home--who you are also in a relationship with--and that's that. The end.

    Don't waste your time with what could have been. Go read and jerk off to something else.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't know how anyone with a conscience can call this complete. If it was labeled "part 1 complete" maybe. This dev is using this as a demo to then try to sell the rest of it.
    Content wise it's really standard fair with a good well used model but really boring dialogue.
    I also think some of the tags are misleading.
    Overall if really bored play it. It's a ok 10 minutes. So was hoping for more with this.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Biggest pros is the ART ! It's facking great, this guy can make amazing renders for sure, the MILFs are just outstanding ! <3

    Biggest dowside of this game is the lenght of it. I felt kinda sad reaching the end screen from one click to another :(
    The night could have been longer with more build up to the most awaited scene. Even during the scene dialogues could have been a little more polished, it feels like some questions/answers are kinda akward since we don't really have a context to it (don't wanna spoil so I know this can be confusing if you didnt play it).
    This looks like a one-shot story made to try things out maybe ? Even if I feel sad about some things, I'm really glad this game is completed !

    Anyway, I recommend playing it, you won't use much time and I'm pretty sure you'll like it if you like this genre, of course.

    I discovered the dev's work by playing UFO, which I love very much, but like many others I'm waiting for the next update :D
    So go try his games, it's totally worth it !

    Thank you 17MOONKEYS for making this nice game, and thank you F95 for sharing it ! <3

    Much love <3
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Good proof of concept, now go make a game.
    Quite honestly I liked the aunt model, but I'm old & jaded & wouldn't kick her out of bed.
    If you're interested in watching 1 sex scene & getting teased with what the dev was hinting at, then dropped, use your bandwidth to DL this and set aside 5-10 minutes. If not? "move along sir, nothing to see here"
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5732714

    This is not even "short" game.
    There's nothing interactive.
    Story is not make sense. What is "aunt in law"?
    Generic Daz models with bad lighting.
    CC0 soundtracks which we heard 100's of times.

    I'm giving one star because I can't rate zero...
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A really short game. Good to pass the time but even this is better than so many games on this site. I understand that the dev is constricted by T&C but I preferred the game with the i-patch so kudos to the modder for helping make this game even better.

    Story - 1/5
    Simple straightforward story actually but the atmosphere of the game was good & I actually liked the story of the doll. Also I-patch helps.

    Models - 3/5
    Both models were good but the female model is the centerpiece as should be.

    Sex - 2/5
    Short and satisfying sex scene. No variety but if is sufficient for the game of this length.

    Replayability - 0/5
    I don't think this is a game you return to but its OK for a one time play.

    Overall - 2.5/5
    I really hate giving low ratings because of the work going into these games & most devs do this on their free time. But there is nothing outstanding in this game to merit more. A good standard game and most importantly completed properly which is a credit to the dev. The extra half star is for proper instead of rushed conclusion.
    Likes: krakr
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed this even if it was short, the mum and nan both look hot, sounds like theres an aunt that will get involved too, and looks like there will be pregnancy if continued. Love the spooky sides to the story too. Hope there's a part two.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, the game has no real story and the graphics are just average. It fails to impress even as a horror game. It lacks tension and atmosphere. I would not recommend it and would only give it one star.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The tags of the game are misleading.
    This one is not completed, even if it shows that it is, failed to deliver on every aspect, only thing that I can save are the renders, but in the end production of this game became a mess. It had potential, but as the dev kept asking for a feedback that kept ignoring, it fell short for me.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Game looks great, but it's very short, like 30 mins short. There's only 1 lady character (technically 2, with the mom showing up at the very end of the game). There are a couple of choices with no consequence, a horror storyline with a creepy doll that currently goes nowhere, and a placeholder for content with the mom character. Right now this game feels like a demo/chapter 1 type of thing. Not sure why this is listed as complete on here.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Very hot MILF and decent story. It does suffer from a bad case of porn logic, but that's forgivable for a game of this length. The writing definitely could've been better, but the game did its job.

    It did end a bit abruptly, though. Could've easily been a week-long trip due to the car breaking down or something. Then we'd have time to see the two characters slowly bonding in a tense situation until someone comes looking for them. Suspension Bridge Effect and all that. Each day could be one step towards the climax. For example, on day 1 the MC could convince her to sleep with him. On day 2 he could convince her to sleep naked due to the heat. On day 3 he could give her a suggestive massage. So on and so forth. It would still be a concise and short story, but with more development.

    Also wish we'd gone with a proper incest story instead of the in-law stuff. Just make it an "unofficial" patch. Still a decent short game, though.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I only give one star.
    The game is marked as completed and thus also to be evaluated as final.
    Storytelling less than 5 minutes.
    Graphics ok but lame.
    Idea of the game: something new, implemented very poorly

    No game recommendation