VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Outbreak [Chapter 1 v0.1a] [GM Gaming]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Outbreak chapter 1 v0.1a

    This is one got a nice story. Zombie apocalypse themed nicely done. Prologue was nicely done. But choices in the doesn't change anything that much. If you take this one movie you will enjoy it. Got nice girls and visuals.

    Now you if you take it from the Adult visual novel point of view. You may not enjoy it that much. Mc went on vacation with some girls. But he didn't get bang any of them except his gf. There's only one scene with her. Other scenes are just dream scenes and flashbacks. Mc is not the only character having sex. On this trip he is accompanied with his friend and his GF so they are also having sex ( they got one scene). Also there is a lesbian couple they also got one scene but you will only see it depending on your choices. Prologue saves are not carried to chapter 1. In chapter game will two choice in the start that you made in prologue but it don't change anything in this build. It doesn't have any impact. In chapter 1 another couple also arrived they also got one scene. This is the only one scene in chapter 1. From the looks of it seems like if dev continued it seems like he is planning for a multiple protagonist game. You have to make a stupid choice for the new male that arrived (it also doesn't change anything in the game). I really thought I ain't gonna see original Mc. But you will see him in the cliffhanger. Now you will never see his cause this one's abandoned.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely a promising game with a lot of good renders and a decent storyline where MC is quite rendered well too and I like those direct games where you take the action right away thus it is quite enjoyable game on my behalf good job for the creator a 5/5 game!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played and really loved this game. I really love the zombie apocalypse setting, a not so often visited setting in porn games. The characters are amazing, well written and the female characters are ample thicc just how I love it. The renders are good and the plot/story is nicely written. Decent sex scenes with animations. The only con is that for the 2 years of game development it seems the updates are quite slow. Definitely potential and I am craving for me.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    All in all, it's a decent game. The story is okay, and the zombie setting is different from most games at least. The writing is decent, if non descriptive, but I don't think it detracts any from the game. The visuals are good to great, depending on your opinion of the body types, but every girl having a gigantic ass is unbelievable. At this point I'd have given the game a 4 out of 5 if my opinion stopped there, but there is a big negative in my mind.

    The introduction of a second protagonist is a major negative. The problem with it is that the entire "prologue" or what we knew as the first 4 chapters were with the MC we got to name. Those of us that played it knew him, renamed him, and were invested in what happened to him. That prologue ended on a cliffhanger after all.

    The fact we're thrust into playing some random guy in the real game, while our named MC is still running around, really hurts the game. I don't care about random dude 001, aka Elliot, because I wanted to see my original MC deal with what the bitch ex did to him and hopefully get to kill her.

    You do get to see the original MC at the very end of chapter 1. However, how is this going to work going forward? It's possible for dual protagonists to work but you have to set it up from the start like Our Red String. Here, it feels disjointed and honestly I didn't care at all what happened to random dude 001. In fact if there's a way to kill him off and force the game to let me play the named MC, I guarantee I'll do it.

    Hopefully the developer can make this work, because I really see improvement in their renders and writing in comparison to the prologue. So, if they can make the dual protagonists work, I'll edit this score up in the future.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Likes: Lerd0
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This episodic-labeled-as-finished thing has gone too far.

    The story looks promising. Graphics wise, renders are quite average and female models lack variety. Choices are scarce and there are no sex choices at all.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The zombie theme is fun and horror's tendency to get adrenaline flowing is great for porn. But, and this is a big butt...

    The character's faces are attractive, but the bodies are disproportionate with the biggest latina-size asses that defy reason. I don't know how I managed to make a sentence about ass sound boring. I blame the game for sapping my humors.

    The dialog and interactions are simple and cheesy yet lack the humor to make it campy fun.

    The story tries hard to spin a twist every chapter. A chapter lasts about 10 minutes. The game goes from zero to hundred in a second, and it doesn't build the story up for you to care.

    Meh. I dunno who I'd recommend this to. 2-3 stars.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    [Ch. 4 Final]
    Ok, this game definitely has some promise to it. Graphics are great, models look realistic enough and have all the right curves on them. MC is all right, likable, not as passive or weird as some, so points for that i guess. Sex scenes are nicely done with sweet POVs, though i'd say more diversity in them wouldn't hurt - maybe even a fetish or two, that's just my taste though.

    With pro's out of the way let's adress why its far from a good game (virtual novel in fact).
    First, for a horror there's nothing to be scared of, really. The music is all right and locations are dark and grim but thats it. The Dev attempted few scares (the girl in the hall was nice one), but it was hard to buy into them with quick plot and characters done as they were.

    Second, plot itself. It gave me flashbacks to the mistake that was Season 8 of Game of Thrones. It's interesting enough in its general scheme, but the execution is shit. I wouldn't mind if it was just a game about boobs, but this aspires to be more - an erotic horror novel to be precise. The main problem is, the plot tries to do too many things too fast, without bothering to explore threads it opens. You can only handle so many shocking twists of the story per minute when there is little story going on in between them. It left me with a feeling usually reserved for when I wake up after a night of drinking and realise its already 3 pm and I totally missed an important exam or a date - wasted potential that is. Oh, and dialogues are no good either. They're just as simple as possible and it's a shame, 'cause I think they would be a great way to introduce us to characters and make them more sexy than just an image of a thicc girl with a pretty face. LongLoveThePrincess is a perfect example of how to write Your characters in an erotic game. I recommend You check it out if You're interested.

    Finally - characters. There's just too many of them, and I get it's a good thing in a game about zombies, so they can be killed in some spectacular fashion later. The problem is, We don't really know anything about them save for Diana and Cass maybe. MC's gf is a generic damsel in distress, nothing interesting about her, hopefully that will change in the sequel, and I can barely distinguish between three dark-haired ladies, they have no history whatsoever - if they were killed off I probably wouldn't even notice. The ex - Diana really shines in that bunch. She has a nice edge to her character - again it feels like she could be much more with better writing.

    Altogether the game is too quick, too shallow and too scattered for me to enjoy. It has great potential in its storyline, if handled with more dedication. For that and some incredible ass-sets I give it 3/5
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has big potential , nice story a mix of horror and action and the renders are well done , the music is good. the problem that it is too short there is 4 ep in the game that you can put them together in 1 ep and wont notice. the new gf and the ex gf look way similar that you get confused between them at first game play ,the game is completed (season 1) still your decision does not matter and that takes a lot from the game.
    Likes: kshyk
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Well I think this game seems to have a lot of potential, I have a big problem with anyone who is supposed to be a military trained specialist leaving a threat armed and alive. I would definitely consider rethinking that scene. No one sensible with any kind of experience would take that risk.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting game albeit very short. It has a cool premise and I would love to see more from it.

    That being said, the animations and renders at times are comical at best. Like Jake and the MC look like weird play dough dolls at times. Their arms and muscles look very strange and bulge in really weird ways. I think that seriously detracts from my enjoyment of the games and I feel like they probably need to be fixed.

    That being said, kind of curious where the story ends up. I think the pacing might be a bit too fast as well. If there was a second to relax and learn about people that would be great. Was nice seeing the flashbacks of Jess and the MC. Other than those issues, it was enjoyable and would recommend trying it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Awesome game. Zombies, adventurous, romance, a lot of people. I really like this game, but unfortunately it's still short. there are like 3 episodes so far, but they all can be put into the same episode. Rendering is excellent, in addition this game has real women not children whose age is 18+ but look like children.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Reeeally nice! At first I was skeptical (I'm so bored with Zombies everywhere, ugh) and it took me a bit to download it- but it's really well-written!
    It's not very interactive, you can essentially just choose whether to start a sex scene or not, and the rest is pretty much a zombie movie- but a movie I'll happily take over pretty much any of the hundred "real" zombie movies out there nowadays.
    The characters are well-defined, there's some emotional content in their interactions, and hints at a well-thought plot in the future. It starts in media res so we get to know the characters as they interact with each other, as opposed to a writer giving you a cheap exposition dump, and the zombie outbreak moves at a slow, naturalistic pace until it reaches the main plot.
    Good writing. Recommended.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    alright here are my take on the game so far
    -let's start with the obvious here :
    + great, stunning, attractive characters,
    + a unique take on game genre here ---horror/drama/romance ----
    it gives some originality there since no many have a "spooky" theme in them
    + great renders.
    + the story is still under progression but it gets you hooked so quickly to it...
    + the last but not least amazing booties
    + wish the update stayed a bit longer than that
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story so far. Different then other games, its a horror/drama game with some sex scenes in it, not a porn game. Renders look really good, models look amazing and thick. For the short time the dev has working on the game looks great and seems to be going in the right direction. Looking forward to future updates!
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    maxx mad

    Attracted by the ratings, i played this game only to be disappointed.

    - Banal story
    - Extremely generic and BORING sex scenes

    I could go on and on but i'd bore you ... Oh, wait, i can't because on top of that, it's extremely short and the generic sex scenes barely count as actual content.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 997153

    Review of Chapter 2

    A fine start to a zombie apocalypse game. The MC is visiting a resort with his girlfriend, best friend, and an assortment of other ladies (including the MC's cheating ex). A zombie claims a first victim, then another, and before long we see someone in military garb kidnap the MC's girlfriend. Great start! I'm hooked!

    There aren't too many choices yet, but the choices seem to be meaningful so far. The dialogue is good but could use a clean-up on spelling and grammar.

    The renders are good and the DAZ models are not ones that I've seen before. They are also extra curvy, which I love! Great booties!

    Two sex scenes so far between the couples. No animations, but there are multiple images for each scene.

    Overall, this is a great start to the game and I'm eagerly looking forward to the next installment.

  18. 5.00 star(s)


    At first, I was on the fence with this game due to how the models look good, but I'm personally not a fan of horror and gore. After playing this game, it's become one of my favorite's. I enjoy the characters, the setting, and the premise. The story is intriguing, and makes me want to play more, and with how much is put into each chapter, there's a lot to look forward too.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved it, great renders, all the girls are great too. Not too often you see any sort of "spooky" games on here, so this is a good game to fill the niche. I'm a fan of the story, and the characters are interesting. I'd recommend this game to anyone that is a fan of the horror genre. The only downside that I can see is I wish it was longer, but I say that about every game. Thanks for the new one!
  20. 2.00 star(s)



    - Interesting concept and atmosphere
    - Nice logo
    - Seen those characters, clothes, hair and environments too many times. Peak daz fatigue
    - Characters have the curvy dials set to 200%. Looks unnatural
    - Renders are inconsistent
    - Poor attention to detail with the renders. Some of the worst clipping I've seen lately
    - Writing could be better

    Summary: Worth trying out. Hope the dev improves on the graphics and writing.