Played the demo and even if i's short that i was pleasantly surprised and it clearly have a lot of potential, the dialogs seem decently written , render and model are great but some of the planned tag worries me a lot like rape and blackmail, could it be possible to have some details about how significant place it will have in the story without spoiling?
Also i know it's complicate to talk about realism or things like that in these game but how are we supposed to believe Luna could fuck anyone without killing them when her dick is literaly almost as big than her wole torso..., especialy if we are supposed to be immersed in the story.
I know that it can be a kink for some (and i'm not judging here), but to this point it seem realy far to disproportionate ...
So it's seem like this game is not realy something for me, it make me think of another similar game of the genre who used these trope too and it put me out of the story rater quickly, but now it's just a demo and depending of how it develop later maybe i could be proven wrong so we'll see but still best of luck with this game nonethless.