Unity - PainRe: In [v0.061] [Gapugapu Kobo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing and unique game!
    So much so different ryona, different outfits, sexy heroine, customization and extra minigames!
    Russian roulete game is a something new and fresh in game with such 3d graphic and heroine customisation!
    I wish more of such events be added and will be happy if heroine will become more masochistic but if not it is still a lot of pleasure to play this game!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Of all the games in this genre (ryona/battefucking), this is the best I've played. The game is slightly challenging, but not so hard that it is not fun. The variety of animations are excellent. Hope there will be much more content added.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The main strenght of this game is the big variety of customization, and different enemy attacks. Combat feels nice, the dodge button acts like a dodge button, and battles are fairly balanced. It comes with good maps that have side challenges that give rewards (for cosmetics or in-game currency); you can also skip enemies and entire parts of the map if you want as you are not obligated to fight most enemies. Also almost no bugs! I find it the ideal ryona game, equipped with a sandbox mode to put your character in specific situations. High replayability and a fun experience allthogether, hope it goes on with updates.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Dirty Deputy

    A pretty solid game. At first it can be a bit hard on the learning curve due to how the control works but after several tries and timing both your dodges and using your specials it's a fun beat 'em up. I just wish when switching between your weapon arsenal that it didn't break the SP meter.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent animations, balance between hentai and ryona. Still in development but already a great amount of content. No gallery but a training area that works similarly. Large variety of outfits to choose from.
    Likes: SiGa7
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Tried this one months ago on PC, and surprisingly it's enjoyable while most of figthing prototypes ends up 'meh' in their demo.
    However few key areas needs to be taken care of if the Dev wants to turn this one into one solid rare enjoyable experience :

    - Cues
    Cues for enemies 'light attack' is decent, but for more dangerous ones desperately needs more subtle or at least noticeable cues, in my case it's Kicks ... see below

    - Kicks
    IIRC Player's Kicks deals the exact same damage to faster punch, but kicks has noticeable delay, making it a less lucrative move & discourage player to send a swarm of baddies flying. I reserve kicks only as finishing blow during 1vs1 scenario.
    On Another hand. NPC's kicks much more faster compared to player's kicks, it even faster than NPC's punch, without noticeables cues for players making it a worse attack to anticipate from your average run on the mill baddies.

    - Locking Mechanics
    Most of the time i won't bother & simply just disable it whenever bunch of baddies started swarming on me, needs lots of rework if Dev still intented to feature auto-lock as this game's core mechanics

    - Traps :
    This is where i got stuck when being overwhelmed in a new level by combination of 'Tank-like' New Enemy & New Traps .... InAbility to make use of environment, especially traps is a de-facto 'soft lock' for my last gameplay
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Weak graphics, low amount of content, very slow and repetative gameplay.
    Sex scenes are as cheap and generic as possible, boring to play as is and I don't see anything promising about this game, just another failed attempt to create a 3d adult game on unity.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    • Smooth and very responsive control
    • Hitbox feels natural
    • Great model for girl and enemies both

    • Way too many unskippable enemies
    • Slow movement speed+large level=tedious
    • A fuckload of grind as you meet the exact same enemies every 5 steps
    • Content locked behind very anti-fun achievements
    • Have I mentioned the ridiculous amount of enemies you have to kill?

    All in all, has all the basis for a very well made game, all it needs is more and better content so it doesn't have to be filled to the brim with filler like it is right now. Leave the endless grinding in a bonus mode for those who care for it, the main game should never be a grindfest.

    p.s. the author needs to playtest it a few times without skipping things every once in a while to get just how tedious fighting the same thing over and over again is. I dropped the gameabout 5 fights after knives came out, since those enemies are carbon copies of the barehanded ones in anything but stats, and I lost all hope that the rest of the game's combat is any more interesting.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice level for a trial! The first level gets a bit repetitive, but the second one is getting harder. Waiting for updates!
    I hope there will be more damage and maybe pregn?<3

    Something like Dungeon of ****
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    • Good graphics
    • controls are very easy to get used to
    • Walking and Fighting Animations are well done
    • Customizable character
    • Certain enemy attacks causes player to experience a stop in movements
    • Certain enemy attacks deal more damage than others(enemies with weapons)
    • Completion of level challenges rewards you with character clothes, hair styles, etc.
    • Plot is unique and is almost has a thriller theme to it
    • Lock-on system needs some work on it (would like a dark-souls lock on system)
    • Character moves really slowly (would like a sprint button)
    This game is very well made even though it is probably its first version to the game. It reminds me of souls-like games but more on the AAA level. There are needs of polish but nonetheless, its good.

    FINAL RATING: 4.3/5 'Dats sum Good Cannoli'