VN - Ren'Py - Pale Carnations [Ch.4 Up.5 Public] [Mutt & Jeff]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed : Ch. 3 Update 1

    I'm not a fan of HS renders but in this game they're very good with HD textures. All the main girls have their own look well tied to their personality. Their facial expressions received a pretty damn good work.

    The writing is excellent with great dialogues in which you can totally immerse yourself.

    Not recommended to sensitive people, you're not the sole world of the LI. They're not virgins and get corrupted by other people (not all of them though). In this world of debauchery, you still have the option to romance most of them. This is not a femdom oriented game, but the bit of that content is quite good although the MC is a bit too reluctant to my taste.

    The girls have their own personality and a background that you can learn more about.

    Well done (y)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Non-Native english speaker here and my first review, so please don't kill me.

    Revier for Chapter 3 Update 1
    First of all I also love this game beacuse of 4K renders :love:. This is the best game I have played for both last year and this year till now.

    I have played this game since the day it was released and my god this game has the largest content for the prolouge of all the games I have ever played heck even most of the games for v0.3, v0.4 or even for v0.5 .


    • The best renders I have ever seen and like I have said before 4K renders :love:
    • Beautiful and pretty unique characters
    • Ability set-up the MC's Character right at the start
    • Characters stay true to their personality so no girl will be going out of script just for MC's dick
    • Damn good branching paths and every action has its consequences either good or bad which is sadly missed in many games
    • Awesome story, It makes you glued to this game instead of just perssing ctrl, one the few games I follow just for the story as much I for sex ,TD you are the best
    • No bugs!, nuff said.
    • Each update has considerable content and the pace of updates is pretty fast for the amount of content it has.
    • Unique& Attractive female characters, makes you wish they were real, even side-character females are created with as much detail as the main ones which also makes you wish they were also real as well.
    • Awesome Animations! Gil you are the best
    • Awesome side-kick for the MC, you will either really love him or really hate him, I really love him.
    • MC has a moral compass and our decisions rotate it and it has consequences, which is not just releatic but very releatable.
    • attention to minor details like when MC is sitting with carnations in a cafe we see the occasional passbyers and some cars in renders, the details in the exhibition hall etc.

    • I don't really see any cons but if I have to mention one it is the corruption in the game but TD & Gil did such a good job that I am growing fond of that aspect as well, so take it TD and GIL YOU made me love corruption.
    I Strongly suggest everyone to give this game a go and I expect almost all of you to get hooked to it!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is part of the "must play" male dom experiences on F95. Top 10 all time in that regard. The writer really has the killer instinct necessary to make it work, and of course, the writing itself is astonishingly good. Combine that with some of the best HoneySelect artwork I've encountered to date, and you have a "don't think twice, just download" review.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best 3dcg game I have ever played.
    Lots of sex AND a good story. Somehow the romance with your best friends girlfriend is the best romance I have experienced in a porn game. It can be played with one-hand. ;)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Initially, I wasn't too enthused by the setting of the game, but by the end of it I was won over. Even when we were still in chapter 1, as this was when I first discovered this gem, one could smell the quality and potential that set it apart from 99% of other games on this site.
    This opinion only got reinforced with each successive update.

    If I absolutely had to mention a negative, I'd be a few typos here and there. Though there are not overly many, mind you; it's just that nothing else really comes to mind, and I'd guess that most people wouldn't even be bothered by them.

    With all said and done, even if the game doesn't seem like your cup of tea from the overview, give it a whirl: it'll probably be worth it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The scenes, animations, and models are really good. Sexual tension is also really well done. Not a huge fan of exhibitionism or humiliation play, but to each his own I suppose. I really hope the creator keeps my favorite girls, Mina and Hana, out of the degenerate shit Felicity and the others are trapped in right now.

    As for my favorite scene, the final Mina scene was hot AF. Eagerly waiting to see where that goes.

    All in all, the creator definitely puts in work, and I would recommend the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good stuff. Deals with some heavy themes. Wondering if his mother will feature in a different role down the line. Feels like Rosalind is just a substitute for his issues, in the end.

    Bromance is nice too. You rarely see that in these kinda games.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't wait to see future updates for this game, honestly one of my favourites on this site so far. All girls are insanely hot and well written, and always love having to make a choice in these types of games
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're into VN by Empress, particulary Starless, then you would absolutely love this.
    The renders are amazing, character expression feels very alive (well except for some male model because it's the limitation of Honey Select)
    This game is so good that I would even consider ask for a leave from work when an update drops (what kind of degenerate am I, asking for a leave to play a porn game...).
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Story: Just Wow, it’s awesome! The characters are very different, and not everybody goes after MC's dick like nymphomaniacs XD

    Originality: medium original but it’s extremely well-written

    Renders: Very Good Graphic, it’s clear that the dev cares about this project. The male characters are pretty basic, but Honey Select doesn't offer much choice in that sector it's a common thing for every HS-based games.

    Sound: It's standard, nothing to say, nothing to comment

    Playability: It’s a VN made with Renpy, there is no real playability other than “Click around, see stuff”

    Performance: It’s Renpy, it’s light, doesn’t eat your RAM, CPU and GPU, it’s okay ^_^

    Bugs: didn't notice them

    Animations: Extremely well-made, like the renders <3

    Voice Acting: There isn't (and I don’t want it, because I may not like the actors/actresses)

    Grammar: Very clear and understandable but also “detailed”

    Amount of content: So much high-quality stuff <3 I love it!

    Conclusion: Really Wow, there are very few games that I like so much as this one! *Chef Kiss*
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down this is in the Top 3 games I've played in this genre and it's continually making a strong case to be number 1.

    No my friend who's reading thru the thread and reviews trying to decide if the hype is fake; the hype is real and absolutely deserved. The game looks great, the story is very well written, the characters all have three dimensional personalities and they all make you care about them in their own way; hell, this is one of the few games where it makes you actually like the male best friend.

    The characters look great, the sex scenes are top notch; this game deserves all the praise and you should absolutely download it right now.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finish playing and took a slap in the face.

    Everything is perfect.

    I m in love with the different woman. They are all beautiful and different. They got their own credible story. The Mc friend is a douche bag but also a good friend.

    I loved the first part with the questions about who you want to MC to be. It change a lot of things and i m sure you will try to replay with a different profile.

    The story is interesting and the sex scenes (lots of them!) are excellent.

    Try it, for me it's one of the best VN here.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Its probably the best game in the site, the story, the pace is perfect, the girls are awesome, its perfection, I just can't wait for more, every fetish that it touches is delivered perfectly too, I just couldn't ask for more

    Thank you and keep it up <3
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid story, good descriptions and good 3d models with interesting scenes. Worth a play through hopefully ending is going to turn out interesting. Also, interesting spread of characters that actually have characterization rather than generic lonely housewife or other stereotypes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally got to rate what to me is the best Honey Select project at the moment. And that alone is a breath of fresh air since usually Honey Select is an indication of low effort shit.

    Not the case with this one though. Despite using HS for its visuals, the game has had enough post-work on it done to make it look distinct. From the models to the UI, it's obvious this game manages to set itself apart from usual HS blandness. Only exception being the male MC, being the usual ugly twink you see from HS games. But that's a minor slight.

    But its looks aren't even its strongest feature. It's the story.

    There is a current climate these days in weg development that has neutered creativity in my opinion. There is a subset of very loud (and obnoxious) players who demand every game to conform to their very narrow tastes. And since the average player doesn't give a fuck about those sensitivities, that small subset ends up being the loudest, creating an atmosphere of dev bullying. This results in many games ending up exactly the same neutered product, one guy, a bunch of chicks, scenes only between these two. This of course extremely narrows the scope of stories.

    How does this rant relate to this game? It's simple. This dev had a plan and didn't give a single shit about the initial screeching from that same subset of players. Dev went through with it and that's always one of the most important factors for a good game. This game doesn't care if your extreme sensitivities demand you only see a gazillion chicks spouting cringy romance lines to MC to stroke your self-insert. This game has female characters exposed, whored out and getting involved in all kinds of degenerate shit, not caring about your safe space. But it also has romance and meaningful interactions. It has actual, distinct characters, not an array of drones pretending to be different. It also has a protag, who's relatively capable but not a Gary Stu. And the corruption/moral change applies to him as much as the female cast which is also a sign of good writing.

    What impresses me the most though, is how well it balances light-hearted moments with darker stuff. It goes back and fourth like that without feeling awkward and that's rare. It doesn't play it safe but that's part of its charm for me.
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    This is easily one of the best Honey Select based VN ever.

    Highly recommended.


    The animations,graphics,story and dialogues are so meticulously well done that is very hard to say which is actually better.

    All the potential "love interests" have an unique and dinamic personality and an interesting backstory.

    The many choices you make actually shape your MC and change A LOT of the interactions and relationship with the other characters,even in a subtle way.


    If you don't like seeing your best girl get humiliated,tricked and ravaged by other men in every way imaginable this game is probably not for you.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow what a top game. Normally I am not so much a fan of this image style, but this game has a big storyline with many but not too many women. It allows to adjust your MC nicely, wish other games would have that too. Anyway the atmosphere and tension in the game are outstanding. I hope to see the next update soon, because this game has a high addiction factor. 5 of 5 stars from me!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Chapter 2, second update review.

    You know how these stories go. The MC is borderline beta but smart, one day his merry uncle calls him and offers a deal that is too good to be true. The MC will pick it up and game starts.

    In this game everything is exceptional well made: the plot, characters, renders and sex of course. If TV shows had even half of the quality of this game I would not be writing this, one can only dream...

    What this game has done better than any other game in this forum is creating a truely engaging atmosphere. When the girls are being whipped (not literally yet!) you just don't click next image while warming your dick. No, you are genuily interested of the story and enjoy the classical music. The only thing this game is not delivering is red wine to perfect the show.

    This may appear yet another slave trainer simulator, but it is not. This is a show of decadence that has been made into an art. Just play it anon.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good. High quality art, engaging story. good characters, hot sex scenes and choices that matter.

    One of the best. 10/10

    I especially like that the girls are all different. One thing that can get frustrating is playing games where all the renpy models are the same. This game gives you a really nice variety.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    So just finished...Wow! This game is fucking amazing! Easily one of the best I've played recently, considering my <3 for all things milfs/mature ladies how did I not know about this game sooner!? Even the younger girls, Mina & Hana are amazing. I know I thought I was all in on Mina when I started, and I still kinda am, but it's getting ridiculously hard to stay married (pun intended) to that choice.

    Ok.. So, as for Veronica, other than shall we say 'older' women, redheads are my 'other' weakness, and this amazon goddess is no exception. Sure, the mc didn't start off on the right foot with her, and given her preference to play for the other team is as stereotypical, as it is even more disappointing as I feel like any earnest attempts to romance her is doomed to fail. I'm guessing the only silver lining is if enough rep + lust is built up with her, maaayybee she'd consider some form of femdom lewdness?? I mean she says she's bisexual and cares less about what's under the hood compared to how 'cute' or 'pretty' her lovers are, but that remains to be seen. I did get a kick out of how hot and pervy she was getting over 'training' Mina. ;) Makes me wonder what a Veronica - Mina - MC threesome would look like (no way I leave Mina alone with her).

    Was initially attracted to Kathleen, especially after Veronica had her fun with her, and despite how smoking hot she looks naked, gotta say, her cruelty and callous way she interacts with the girls (not to mention the digs she throws at the mc re: his mother's porn past) reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaallly makes it a struggle to still want get with her. If ever there was someone appropriate to 'hatefuck', it would probably be her, but unless the mc turns into a real scumbag (not on my watch) or she does a complete 180, not likely the L.I. I was hoping to have an affair with.

    Rosie/Victoria....addressing the elephant in the room, mommy issues for the mc. Obviously easy to see the parallels with her and the mc's mother, which almost makes me wonder if 'that kink' will be brought up/dealt with at some later point. Clearly Killian has a thing for Victoria and considering that last scene we're left with (ew! watching mom's old porno vids) makes me wonder if the only sex she has will stay in the past via flashbacks. (Ok I admit, my inner perv had Rosie call me 'son' during her part in the exhibition)

    Felecia: I feel like when there was time spent alone with her, we really got to see more of the real her and not just her social status. Sure it was a shock her motivations for joining the exhibition, but I feel like she did a good job at least trying to make the mc see her point of view for why she is doing what she as decided to do. It helps that she's a genuinely nice person, who's clearly bored in her current life, looking for some excitement and maybe a little validation that she isn't getting at home. Oh and clearly is DTF and is quite good at it as well.

    Mina: Was apprehensive when first introduced, wasn't sure if she was who she appeared to be or if there some red flags (C'mon she's Killian's gf, she's gotta have some angle, right?) But took the chance to get to know her, and after all the bullshit Killian puts her through and literally take her for granted ALL the time, it was love at second sight. She's too good for him and sadly even though she knows he's a womanizer makes me afraid how hard it will be to break them up/make her realize her doesn't need him. For that matter, I can't understand why Killian is even with her since most of the time he treats her as a convenient accessory. Especially considering he has NO problem seemingly able to hookup just about any woman at will. Anyway, I do feel guilty about that, but after the King's game, where he got excited at the prospect of Mina and the mc kissing....hopefully he isn't too emotionally invested in the relationship where it makes it super awkward as my mc keeps getting closer to Mina.

    Last but not least, Hana, is a little harder to figure out. I like her tough, bad girl, rebel, rocker vibe, with a heart of gold and alot of emotional baggage in a smoking hot, tattooed package. Once you get to know her and really start to earn her trust and friendship, its not hard to fall for the bosses' daughter as well. While I don't exactly see her with the same long-term prospect for a endgame L.I. considering her future and the mc's aspirations for med school and beyond, I sadly just don't see anything other than a friends-with-benefits/short-term casual girlfriend, but definitely not the same wifey material as say, Mina for example.

    tl;dr, the game is every bit as good as I've read here, can't wait to play what I'm guessing is the next week leading up to day 2 of the exhibition? Also, love that 2/3 of my favorite girls (Mina & Hana) are getting content update/relationship progress? this update....just a matter of when, cuz this will jump straight to the front of the line in terms of other VNs I'm playing.