Panties Conversion V4 to G8F?


New Member
Jul 1, 2019
Here's the panties website link for the V4 product: .

I have been browsing the web looking for a conversion for this but nothing shows up. Does anyone have a working knowledge of how to convert V4-V6 panties into G8F, G8.1F compatible panties that work with the basic or morphed character models?

EDIT: Update!

I found the file called Sswpan which is a .cr2 file and tried the RSSY converter. The textures were able to be applied to the underwear itself but the main underwear shows some glitches for the Genesis 8F model. I'm still working on this. Kit refuses to *autofit* or *fit* from V4-V6 to G8F so.... the textures do work and the panties do show any type of panty on there. The problem is how it looks like:

messed up.png
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Active Member
Aug 26, 2017

So you may wonder why I have a picture of a sphere, the answer is I am terrible at writing tutorials but I do know you need to start with the basics.

So this morph was created by overlapping to base sphere primitives.

The target of the morphs was set to SUB-D and had a smoothing modifier applied (Collision target was the second sphere)

It was then set back to base level of subdivision. (If you skip this step importing the obj file as a morph will fail.)

Select the target of the morph set to base level and export as an object. Then using the morph loader re import as a morph.

This process can be used for creating things like breast squeeze, butt deformation, poke morphs etc.

In your case take the panties add a smoothing modifier decrease the scale until they match the body then use the steps above.