RPGM - Para Ark 2 [v0.3.5] [ST Hot Dog King]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I can already tell where this game is headed. For some reason ST Hot Dog King refuses to learn from his mistakes or for that matter listen to his fans and makes essentially worse and worse games. His first game Para Ark being his best game so far and a superior game to this too.

    Para Ark 2 is overcomplicated, grindier than any of his previous games so far, with unnecessary systems that provide 0 satisfying gameplay and only serve to function of padding the content further and increasing play time. The visual style got worse too, instead of the patchy but properly drawn animations now we get pretty basic live2d animations without any regards to quality. But not only that, somehow even the story and writing got worse compared to his previous game Worm Nest Plague.

    The only good thing that happened is that the companion characters got more focus compared to the prequel, with them being unique and properly adding effectively to the combat.

    Everything else is essentially inferior to Para Ark 1. If you like the tags go and play that. Maybe wait for this to get content and play it with cheats to counter the ridiculous grind you have to do to progress...
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The handling has been developed to be too complex, which somewhat spoils the fun of playing. I often got stuck because the logical connection was incorrect. The insects could have been worked on a little more in the design and seemed a little too clumsy.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.1

    This is a sequel to the last game, we again have very messed up H-scenes, breeding your own army, farming resources, etc.
    This time however, you can create harvesters much more easily and you build energy generators and item collectors, and this time you can build your own factories which create raw items automatically over time. This drastically reduces the grind and makes material collecting trivial.

    Ship combat is also improved, no longer do you need to time your shots, you just aim and hit fire, and the ship upgrades are very easy to craft, there's even a shop at galaxy 2.

    Looks great, let's see what future updates will bring.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Cant wait to see where this game goes, love the mechanics and the general feel of the game. Small nitpick from me would be to make the gathering little harder by not giving planets energy or make it really rare to have one so it doesnt snowball in first 10 minutes if you know what you doing.